hey guys, this is the first year i have actually had my car running since the build and i seem to be having trouble getting it to start since its getting colder out. I cant remember exactly what the part number is for the plug but there a stage colder than factory honda ones for the turbo.
since its gotten colder i have not been able to get it to start for anything, Im gettin spark fuel and air and the timing is correct. It ran perfectly when i parked it (it was warmer then) but now nothing. I have 1000cc injectors so if it doesnt fire immediately it floods even with the fuel turned down. So im kinda stuck, is this a normal problem with colder plugs? I have dried the cylinders out and it will stumble a bit but just flood
I thought about putting the salamander infront of the car to warm the block up if that would help HAAAALP!!!