I was wondering if a hks downpipe off a DSM will fit onto my DA wit a b18a. Its a 16g turbo and I was be using tubular dsm flanged manifold and its basically the same fitment as the stock downpipe. I just wanna know if it will clear the oilpan.
With some time and thinking you can make the DSM downpipe fit. Most people notch the cross member, but I was able to use the DSM downpipe with a 2.5" coming off of it without cutting the cross member. It took a lot of time to get the bends perfect and I slightly crushed part of the pipe to make sure it didn’t hit anything when the engine torqued.
I dont care if i have to notch the crossmember i just wanna make sure theres clearance under the motor.
Why wouldn’t there be clearance under the motor? Just make sure to take your time and run it in the same place as the stock exhaust.
it is a starting place but there is a garuntee that u will have to mod it a little bit, I would cut and weld it, save the crossmember.
Like I said before, I didn’t have to touch my cross member at all and my downpipe clears it and the oil pan. Just took some thinking and fabricating.
Well that the thing I dont wanna have to cut and weld it. I dont have a welder nor do I wanna pay if I dont have to… if I have to grind away a lil bit I dont mind.
Have you read any of my posts? I’m assuming you’re having somebody else build the exhaust for you since you said you don’t have a welder. Anybody that can fabricate and weld decently will be able to make everything fit without touching the cross member. Hell, I made it fit and I dont’ have much fabricating experience.
It really all depends on his manifold & where it places the turbo. I’m sure it would fit on some and not fit others…