EK sideskirts pic request

There should be a sextion in the TEG TIPS for EK skirts on DAs…

sextion hehe

my front lip got torn off, so no

Off topic but anyway,:shrug:

DAteggy what size (diameter) honda center caps are those on your wheels?
Looks great btw

looks like nobody ever painted them ??

once I get my front lip I ordered, finish fitting the ek skirts i’m going to my uncles shop to get them painted and my moldings on the bumper and sides painted to match, can’t wait.

so, i see you guys mounted yours differently, hahaha i left the inner tab to sit between the doorjamb & bottom of the door to hold it on incase. but i also have a couple of screws at the front & back wheel well…

ah crap i think i just need to get new skirts & paint them :stuck_out_tongue:

i left im so it goes in the door jam. it fits perfect under the door and kinda fill the gap. it does rub a little but not much.

i had it before on my blue da…i didnt cut it and it was in the door jam…but it rubbed the paint off eventually…so now it has a little over hang…

i’m keeping mine in the door jam. I’m trying to shave it a little so it doesn’t rub. It’s supposed to be nice out tomarrow so i’ll probably be out working on finishing those.

tegboi- damn i like your paint job…thats the color im plannin to paint em

ITR front EK sides.

i had front brackets made up out of Stainless steel that act as caps too. they mount in to the mud flap mounting hole

any pic of ur front lip?


nice what lip is that its not the type r is it?

any one ever cut DC skirts to fit??

i have some and i want to do this

^yes they have

and buff4prez that is badass

EK side skirts

hHey guys, those look really nice! So do the EK side skirts just bolt/fit right up, or is there alot of fab work involved? I was reading along and there were no step by step instructions for the do it yourselfer… being a girl and all, I have a 91 integra B16 and I want this look for my car but I want to know how to do it. If you guys could help me out, that would be cool.

you have to cut the front to make them the right length then you cut along the top to make them look right along the side of your car
that is a good pic on how to know where to cut them once you actually have them in front of you. It’s hard to explain unless you already have them and can see what we’re talking about.