Filter relocation!!!

What do you guys think about this??

For the cost of $225 to " spice up your race car " i would rather put it towards something more productive.

I think it’s for pussies.

Here’s how to save $225. Jack car up, crawl underneath car, stick hand up and twist… voila! Congrats… you’ve just saved yourself $225 and it only took 5 minutes!

Waste of money!

way too much for something like that. dual filter? what for. ive seen other kits(single) go for around 60

What is the point of relocating the filter? You also going to have to add more oil into the system due to the extra space of relocating it.

for mad points at the car show man, DUH!

you can get a relocator kit from the jegs catalogue for something along the lines of $40. I am a few more oil changes away from getting one…

a duel system? OMG. That website needs some help with it’s english.

Duel system meaning that the filters fight one another for the oil to see who gets to filter it… duh.

The only reason to relocate is if you do it as part of a oil cooler set up… and then only because YOU CAN… relocating the filter doesn’t add anything besides “bling” and that is too much for “bling”… the only reason to relocate during a xcooler install is because it won’t cost too much more than the cooler set up since you have to buy minimal additional parts… :slight_smile:


it is not bling, lol. it adds a bit of convenience. if you move it, you will not have to try and reach behind the block…

Yeah but you’re under the car anyways to unbolt the oil drain bolt… so it’s not really a convenience. You might as well relocate your oil pan while you’re at it… :read:

lol, i don’t need to go under my car to drain the oil anymore (my secret). even if i did, it is one thing to kneel and reach under your car wwith a wrench. it is another to lay on your back and fumbling around in cramped quarters trying to unscrew an oil filter.

i picked up a single relocation kit from summit, it was like $40-$50. (All lines, hoses, and fittings included) I decided to do this due to my 3" exhaust + 1.5" dump-tube going past the oil pan, it’s hard enough for me to get my arm up in there when i had the stock exhaust. OLD pic.


and I bet your secret is called a Mityvac Fluid Evacuator right? Or similiar?

[QUOTE=hybrid90;2089661]and I bet your secret is called a Mityvac Fluid Evacuator right? Or similiar?[/QUOTE]

lol owned

nope. i made my own with a wet dry vac and a water jug.

really? how? last i checked, you were the one who was going to spend $225 on a filter relocation kit…

thank you for posting that!

Thank for posting the picture of the inexpensive relocation kit actually installed… that answered so many questions I have had about that kit… looks nice… and at the price, it really is not a bad idea.

Since when is being under the car such a bad thing?