It’s been a while since I’ve been on here or even driven a DA. Recently, my friend got one of his own seeing how absolutely awesome mine was. Anywho, he wanted me to rewire his foglights for him so i came on here and looked in the teg tips very quick, and I noticed that there wasn’t a small tut to rewire them the “non share power with the defroster” way on the list.
Call me stupid if someone has previously brought forward this issue, but why hasn’t it been added to the list. In my case, I had already known the convenient alternative to the traditional way, but had I been another DA owner that wasn’t so great at using the search button, I would have gone and cut up my nice wiring and junk.
I believe that cutting the red/yellow wire, connecting/crimping this wire to a longer wire about maybe 3 feet long with a butt connector, crimping a female spade connector to the other side, and connecting it to one of the accessory spades just above the in car fuses at the driver side kick panel…MUCH more convenient, MUCH less intruding, and…quite frankly, a cleaner way of doing job compared to the traditional “sharing power form the defroster” technique.(REALLY LONG AND BADLY STRUCTURED SENTENCE OVER GET).
the actual list of the “Teg Tips” section hasn’t been updated in a few years, honestly.
It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to update/add details since it has been a while. Some new members, when they hear about our “Teg Tips” section, they see the link at the top of the page and go there. They don’t take the time to search the forums for it.
But yeah, it is much easier, and in fact SMARTER to wire the fogs to the fuse-box instead. As soon as I realized that was an option, that is the route I went.
The story behind my “rewiring” experience is that I had all my tools ready to go, and about an hour before I went outside to do “the trick”, I searched around on the forums to see if there was an alternate way. That’s when I found out about the method of running it to a free pin on the box. I did it that way, had to do a little trial and error to find the right pin that I wanted, but it worked like a charm and I haven’t looked back since.
*A provides a constant 12v
*B provides 12v with parking/indicator lights
*C provides a constant 12v, has its own circuit and uses fuse 13
*D provides 12v when switch is on “accessory” and on
*E provides 12v when ignition is “on”
did some research online, found a diagram of the box and dug up what each pin does. There you go.
let me get this right if i cut that red/yellow wire and put a female connecter and put that directly into where the fuse should go my fogs will come on with out my head lights . i have the 93 rs where my defroster switch is on the other side of the steering wheel
I haven’t tried this, but probably am in the near future… but the instructions are unclear to me, as well as a couple other people…
I know that one of the wires (probably the red) is PROBABLY a positive, that of which, you would connect to the spade connector near the fuse panel [I currentlly use 2 of the 5 slots avail. for my gauges and interior underglow] but, where would I connect the yellow? would I ground that? I assume not since in the ‘share power with defroster’ write up, it says that it doesn’t matter which wire you connect with which! That would tell me that the power running through those wires is some sort of AC setup, and not a DC… please clarify ANYONE if you know! thanks!
[QUOTE=delorean;2017416]I haven’t tried this, but probably am in the near future… but the instructions are unclear to me, as well as a couple other people…
I know that one of the wires (probably the red) is PROBABLY a positive, that of which, you would connect to the spade connector near the fuse panel [I currentlly use 2 of the 5 slots avail. for my gauges and interior underglow] but, where would I connect the yellow? would I ground that? I assume not since in the ‘share power with defroster’ write up, it says that it doesn’t matter which wire you connect with which! That would tell me that the power running through those wires is some sort of AC setup, and not a DC… please clarify ANYONE if you know! thanks![/QUOTE]
It was fairly simple all you have to do its cut the wire
that is red and has a streak of yellow in it about 2 in. from the switch
then put electrical tape on the un-used which is the end not attached to the switch. Then you use butt connectors to connect the red/yellow wire to your wire that goes to the fuse box. Also you should used an ATC mini Fuse holder and get 3A Fuses to power the lights better. No grounding is needed. just connect and your done.
(with help From FCM)
This is my set up for rewiring the fogs . I used the remote wire for an amp since i didnt want to go buy new wire at the store for 7 bucks a roll.
haha don’t feel stupid for that… I have my Class M license and am a Electircal service tech. and questioned it… but that was because I thought it was two wires… not one… lol
ez mode to do, took me 10 mins (15 if you include the time to solder on a fuse line)… handy, seeing as one of my headlights just burnt out after I did this mod!.. next up… 9007 headlight mod haha
Followed all the instructions, but instead of the fogs turned on, it’s my damn headlights! So I’m guessing something’s not wired right on my one pieces. I’m using the password JDM harness. Any help will be appreciated.
I just did this on my Canadian 92 RS. Works fine. And the nice part is that you can move the spaded end to whichever outlet you want. I put mine in the KEY ON only spade. Thanks
i have a question for you guys…and i dont know what i did wrong but my defroster and climate controls doesn’t work anymore after i cut the red/yellow wire and hooked it up to the spade in the fuse box. what did i do wrong or missing out on doing? lmk thansk!
I cut the red wire with yellow stripe, and plugged it in to one of the spades. I did everything listed, and my radio wasn’t playing any sound… I reconnected it back to its original connection and my radio plays sound… WTF am I doing wrong…