Fresh Horizon Gray paintjob pictures

Hey guys, I just thought I’d share some photos I just took of my car. I recently had the Horizon Gray repainted (the original color). Hope you enjoy…

Thanks for looking!

I like everything, clean look.

What is your steering wheel hub setup and how does it feel compared to stock?

Nice and Clean. :up: I like the shift knob . . . Mugen?

Steering wheel hub is the NRG short hub with NRG 2.5 quick release. I’d say the distance is about the same as stock. Here’s a closer look, with the lock…

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah, Mugen knob.

very clean man. good good taste


she’s perfect! :rimshot:

FRESSSSSH! im jawlsin

i like!! clean. simple. not too flashy. perfect. good job! i love the wheels too, white wheels look sick on gray cars.

now thats how you build a great looking DA.

I really like this. Great work man! What is that thing in the cig lighter?

looks great, nice and simple, yea wuts that thing in the cig lighter

Very very sharp. I like the painted moldings and mirrors. To the naked eye
most would think it’s stock well minus drop,wheels and slotted rotors.
It’s the little touches that make your car very cool, shaved emblems
one pieces the bumper plugs all very tasteful.
I’d bet that plug in your cig lighter is a U S B converter for charging.

Thank you for sharing :drool:

Thanks a lot everyone for the kind words. I’m real happy with how it all came out too. I still need to replace the stock exhaust…I’m contemplating an old Mugen muffler or just get something new.

That’s a Belkin USB charger. I got it to charge my iPhone before I put the radio in. Like this…

Man thats a nice looking ride you have there. Makes me want to keep my car that color when I get it repainted. Looks so blah when its not waxed fresh!
I picked up some fat fives yesterday and a 92 bumper set today so mine will be getting closer to that bit by bit!

What kind of side moldings are those? I think I have seen them before, they are much thinner than my oem ‘DOHC’ ones? If I decide to paint match mine, would be nice to have the flat ones.

Nice Ride!

Favorite color on a G2. Painted JDM mouldings look great.

Tastefully modded. :up:

Love the car man!
how’d you get the gas pedal on? mine just doesn’t want to stay on!lol!

[QUOTE=integ-four;2101942]Love the car man!
how’d you get the gas pedal on? mine just doesn’t want to stay on!lol![/QUOTE]

It was a careful tap & drill of the screws so that all 4 were in clean. It’s on solid as a rock though, won’t go anywhere.

Car looks sick! The only thing I can comment on, is get some OEM rubber for under those headlights, on the top of the bumper. Fill that gap a little bit, of course I’m just nitpicking though, so don’t mind me too much. :drool: