Fresh Horizon Gray paintjob pictures

Oh good eye, I forgot there’s rubber seals under the lights. Does anyone know for sure if the USDM part works fine with the JDM headlights? Parts 3 & 4 here…

I also want to get new rubber seals on the hood, for the top of the headlights.

beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

looks good and clean…:drool:

the part will work fine…hit up pick a part and pick up a couple of sets…they’re cheap…somewhere around 5 bux for a pair if you can find them. When you find some, make sure you soak them in oil for a day to get them soft, since they will be all hard and dry from sittin in the sun.

Nice. It’s always good to see some fresh, tasteful rp21m. :clap: I’m inspired.

Nice job!!!
Is that the oem paintjob for the 93 LS…

[QUOTE=charliegs-r92;2101976]Nice job!!!
Is that the oem paintjob for the 93 LS…[/QUOTE]

I know Horizon Gray was a factory color on the 1992 LS, not sure if it was in 93 also?

Believe it or not, back in 1992 I bought a brand new Horizon Gray LS from the dealer. I had it up until 1996. I’ve always wanted another DA, saw this Horizon Gray '92 LS for sale last summer and bought it.

Here’s some old photos from 1994 of my first one:

Baggy 90’s style… rocking the AIRA (Battle of the Imports) hat

SICK DA. That’s all i can say.

yeah that right there was oem Horizon Gray for the 92-93 LS Integra from the factory and i remember seen one for sale in California…

Nice paint job on your car.
I also own a Horizon Gray Integra.
Mine is a 93 LS with and Automatic.

I have been wanting to get my car fixed and painted, but I am putting my eyes on a red one up in KC with no rust or damage with a 5 speed.
You never know. I might just end up painting it Horizon Gray because I love the color and there are too many red ones out there.

Simply gorgeous.


what is the difference between the similar color on the 90/91GS? is the gray color on those cars called something else? I kinda got bored with my cars color but those make me want to get it repainted in the same.

PColony, do you have any other pictures of that car with the fat fives? I have a similar GS and I just bought a set of fat fives, would like to get some ideas!

nice, PCC!

i’ve done two photoshoots there before. Nice car!

[QUOTE=obsidian;2102034]what is the difference between the similar color on the 90/91GS? is the gray color on those cars called something else? I kinda got bored with my cars color but those make me want to get it repainted in the same.

PColony, do you have any other pictures of that car with the fat fives? I have a similar GS and I just bought a set of fat fives, would like to get some ideas![/QUOTE]

If you’re talking about the color I think you are, the 90-91 gray was more of a blue/gray…the 92-93 Horizon Gray is more of a purple gray. I don’t happen to know the name of the 90-91, I’m sure someone else here does.

I added a couple more pictures up above of my old car. Sorry they’re so small and grainy, they’re photos that were taken and scanned in '94. Back then they looked big on a 13" CRT monitor.

i like it, simplicity at it’s finest

no wonder! that paint color look sick! I am kinda love hate on my cars color. That color on a repaint probably wouldnt be too far off though, could get away with that without making the engine bay to stark a contrast.

Everything about your car is perfect… I’m sooooo jealous

[QUOTE=pcolony;2101957]Oh good eye, I forgot there’s rubber seals under the lights. Does anyone know for sure if the USDM part works fine with the JDM headlights? Parts 3 & 4 here…

I also want to get new rubber seals on the hood, for the top of the headlights.[/QUOTE]

Yea, those will work just fine for ya. Your old car looked pretty nice too! I wish I was old enough to have been able to buy one brand new, lol

Dude your car came out phat !
I dont think I have ever seen anyone
rebuild a DA the way you have oem
everything straight ballin! LoL
Brand new one pc. Headlights thats pimp
right there , props bro looks tits!
I think Gspot did a great job on the paint …
bling bling !

[QUOTE=METHOD-DB1;2102220]Dude your car came out phat !
I dont think I have ever seen anyone
rebuild a DA the way you have oem
everything straight ballin! LoL
Brand new one pc. Headlights thats pimp
right there , props bro looks tits!
I think Gspot did a great job on the paint …
bling bling ![/QUOTE]

Thanks! Yeah, G-spot did a great job on the paint, I’m very happy with how it came out.

Back when I had my first DA I always wanted the 1-piece lights, but I was a poor college student, and they were $750-800 new in 94-95. I would dream about buying those 2 boxes to open up and pull out those sexy things. So even though I could of got some used ones now, and cleaned them up to be good as new, I had to fulfill that fantasy, haha.

that is one sick teg:up::up: