Fresh Horizon Gray paintjob pictures

I’m sitting at work staring at these pics on my phone and it dawned on me, we haven’t had much decent car porn here on g2ic for the last couple months. I just wanted to chime in again and say thanks for sharing.

Really well done, from an aesthetic stand point, this is as good as the site gets right now!

J. :slight_smile:

4th photo down: where was that taken? Looks kinda like Mount Shasta in the background. But I see you’re in pasadena…

They’re all taken in Pasadena…that would be Mt. Baldy back there.

Really well done, from an aesthetic stand point, this is as good as the site gets right now!

J. :)[/QUOTE]

Damn thanks! …I never expected to get such great feedback from everyone. Really makes it all worth it when its so appreciated by such a big group of 2nd gen fanatics.

that is one sweet Da :up:

Really well done, from an aesthetic stand point, this is as good as the site gets right now!

J. :)[/QUOTE]
That pretty much sums it up :up: Rare to see such a nicely put together DA these days - keep it up!

i think i just got an early christmas present…
in my trousers


I personally enjoy the Horizon Gray color.
The thing I love most about that color is how it looks under streetlights at night.
The red lights seem to make it look like the metal flakes are copper colored.
And the blue-white lights almost make the finish look like it is glowing. Under moonlight it looks really awesome.

I have only seen a small handful of these colors that were clean on their car.

Well Done!

simple and kleeeeeeeeen!:rockon:

finally something worth clicking at:) whats under the hood?

Bone stock b18a for now…I’ll be swapping in a new motor eventually.

Looks great, but something about the inner corner of the headlights and the bumper not sitting correctly bugs me…nice paint job though, looks original.

Yeah that’s bugging me too…I didn’t notice it until taking the pictures. I’m hoping that putting the rubber seals which should be between the bumper and headlight will help align the gap so its equal.

Was it fine before? You might need to just take everything apart and reinstall it. Maybe loosen the fender bolts (looks like the corner of the 1pc headlights are budging out), loosen the bolts of the headlights (looks like the fog light area is too sunken in), and have someone help push up the bumper support when your bolt it down…if that makes sense. I got rid of those two rubber liners and it did not make the gap that noticeable.

IMO the rubber always makes it look better. But either way it usually takes a couple times to get it perfect, especially if any of the parts are new or different from before. There’s a lot of slop in the way the bumper, headlights and hood mount to the chassis, so you can almost always get rid or at least even out any of the gaps you might have.

I ordered brand new rubber seals for above & below the head lights today. I know what you guys mean about adjusting the bumper/lights/hood … tedious, but eventually you can get all the gaps closer to even.

The way it is now, is the way the body shop put it back together. After I get the new rubber seals in, I’ll spend some time working on all the gap alignments around the front.

damn! finally someone else that really enjoys the car and stock color enough to help freshen it up. I did the exact same thing last year to my horizon gray DA. Man do these things look good with a fresh coat of paint.


niceee integ! wheres G spot at? do they have a website? :slight_smile: