fuel pump kill switch security

Heres a TegTip to add a little extra security to your ride:
You will be rigging a switch to your fuel pump power wire which will give you the option to disable the fuel pump for some extra security. Basically, making your car unstealable (pretty much)

wire stripper.
heat shrink wire covers or butt splicers or crimp caps.
speaker wire (length depends on where u will put your switch)
small switch (couple $$ at autozone or walmart)

  1. Remove the panel (the one w/ the cointray) that is in front of drivers knees. You can also remove the metal panel to make it a little easyer, comes off w/ 4 10mm bolts)
  2. Locate FUEL PUMP RELAY. it is a little relay box bigger than the other ones. it says MITSUBA on it and has 7 female bits. Now remove the wire harness from it and peel back the black loom covering the wires coming out of it. It is located on the more left side of the steering column. (put head on floor and look up)
  3. Locate GREEN/BLACK wire coming from wire harness. It’s solid green with a black stripe. (its the only g/b wire, so dont worry) Cut it a couple inches past the wireharness. Carefully (i have a wire stripper that strips it perfectly, but if you dont have one be carful not to pull the wire from the harness whilst stripping it) strip 1 inch from each side of the wire you just cut.
  4. Take your speaker wire and splice one side to each 2 wires. (speaker wire is less messy) Secure splices with heatshrink or butt splicers.
    5.Now put a connector (like the kind that clip onto +&- of a speaker) on the other ends of the speaker wire, this is where you are going to connect to switch.
  5. clean up the wires by tucking then/ lacing them through other things and securing with wire ties etc. (so you dont catch your foot on a slack wire)
  6. Decide on a sneaky place to put your switch that is still convenient enough for you to use it whenever you want. DONT TELL ANYONE!

Now when you try to turn over the car with switch set to OFF the car will start and then sputter and die. It will turn your car off whilst your driving so dont put the switch where you will kick it.

If anyone has more suggestions, comments, critique, etc. please let me know and i will edit this tegtip accordingly.

Thank you fcm for helping me find the correct wire.

very nice…now to find a spot to put the switch…hmmm

good job! :up:

very good job, i might be doing it this weekend. i live in indiana and theft is minimal, but it would give me peaceful nights

thanks worked great i wired it up on both my da’s with a very nice hiding spot for swich

glad it worked for u

bump for guy looking for this thread

I dont understand about connecting the speaker wire part do i strip 2 places on the grn/blk wire and put one end of the speaker wire on each???
PLEASE HELP QUICK I need to put my car back together

It looks like you cut the Green / Black wire and put the switch / speaker wire in line. It would be like if you taped 2 pencils together - the switch acts like the tape as the newly cut green / black wire acts like the pencils.


I’m assuming your kill switch is unsuccessful at killing the car?
Cut the segment of “Green / Black” in between the “exposed” section and you should be successful at opening the loop.

Duh Why didnt I think of that thanks a lot man!!!:ohyeah:

I am kinda confused about finding the right wire to cut. I looked up under the dash and I found the little box that says mitsuba. it lookes like there is a harness coming off something attached to this box? It has a harness with 4 blocks/connectors or whatever. There is a G/B wire coming out of this one. Then there is also a harness just to the side of this one that is obviously not attached to the mitsuba box. It has a green harness and is the long rectangluar type (as opposed to the black square type desribed previously). This harness also has a G/B wire coming out of it.

I am pretty sure that the wire I need to cut is the one from the black harness that seems to be attached to the mitsuba box. What confuses me is the whole “7 female bits” part that was described in the instructions. It makes me uneasy because I don’t see anything that is in the quantity of 7.

Someone please clear this up for me. I don’t wanna just start cutting away w/o knowing what it is. thanks

i like the write up i got to get my car back first getting a new heart right now :slight_smile:

im glad u like my writeup.

CUT the black/green wire. bridge with speaker wire.

<a href=“http://photobucket.com/” target="_blank"><img src=“http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o126/christoandthemoose/paint.jpg” border=“0” alt=“Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting”></a>

well that didnt work

nevermind. i figured it out. I was looking at the wrong thing. there is something else that had mitsuba writtin on it. I’m good now. lol

Nice Write Up…works Great On Mines First Try