I got some new wheels I know there not flashy but I love oem and there the same ones I had except mint and with new tires for $100 can’t go wrong
those wheels are pretty minty not a fan but those actually look good haha.
lol thanks there like mini corvette blades i guess.
Cant go wrong with OEM. I’m interested to see how they look on a teg. Please dont paint those though dude, every time I see honda wheels like that painted black or bronze I want to puke.
lol i promise look on the the first page i have them but there f’ed up so these will be much better. im waiting till my tein s techs come in thursday then ill slap um on woot woot:drool:
what are you rollin in dude can i see pics of your car plz i wonder if ive seen you around.
Hey I did find them in white which isn’t bad but white and a honey beige teg idk lol
This is what I roll in. My teg is in storage until the salt goes away. I’m trying to keep it’s cancer from spreading until I can afford to fix and paint it.
This is it from last years spring meet.
nice teg dude i wish i had another car. explains why i havent seen you on the road lol
Shitty night pic ill have a fresh one in the a.m lol
Special thanks to gunithonyda9 for his help thanks homie
Thanks man. You cant tell, but its kind of rough in person. Hopefully by this years fall meet I’ll have it looking the way I want it. My S10 has a G2IC sticker on the back, so you might still see me around if you keep your eyes peeled.
How did the headliner come out? Nice and tight?
lol i will look for it now def. yea the headliner came out good im happy with it. i really like it over my plain pleather headliner lol.#1 recommended dyi
if i stay under 8k for now will it be ok? i thought it would
also another ? im pretty sure my zdyne ecu has the knock sensor disabled if so can i just unscrew it and leave it off the motor with no issues?
Here’s the day pic of the headliner I promised you guys
Teins yeah
It goes good with the trim pieces. Can you see the blue during the day? It doesnt show up in the pics, that was my favorite part.
I have those same springs. I love the stance, but the ride is soft and kind of bouncy.
Yea there’s no blue lol its like black white and the flowers are tan.
So right now I’m on my way to braintree ma to pick up some ctr valvesprings and retainers woot woot.
put my wheels on yesterday and my teins.
i also stopped slacking and installed my rod/main bearings. i installed the crank and the pistons.yeah
i bought ctr daul valve springs the other night not bad i just need to find a dam working tool to take them out.
i used a tool from autozone like this
and it didnt fit in the head
and i used this which also didnt fit
any help please???
Hopefully the one I got will work for ya