look at that damn pipe. and people talk about their extremely angled ones. thats a sick ass angle man.
lol i did that as a quick fix ,my factory exhaust fell off shortly after buying it haha so i just remade from the axle back with 2 1/4 iirc ,i could have added another bend in it ,but fack it i’m gonna put all new anyways haha
finally getting a header . tomorow i’m going to drive 6 hours in total to order it haha .I don’t have a credit card and well they want a down payment.so i’ll just drive out there and pay for it all and have them ship it to me :rockon: hope it doesnt take 3 months like my damn muffler did …should be no more then a week tops !
Nice work man, i paint cars too, so it’s nice to see someone taking the time to do things right. Most people half ass shit. I will be postin pics of my primer black DA soon.
thanks dude yeah be sure to link me in here ,i’m not on much but i look looking at others work
so i bought a bunch of shit today …dunno why but i did lol
i wanted a new half mask and by the time i was done with filers and refills it cost me 70 bucks .Then there was a sale on dewalt sanders ,dont need them have 2 allready ,but for 106 bucks i couldnt pass it up .allso got some more fiberglass resin mat and icing allmost a 100 there ,grabbed a 2 cans of truck bed liner 20 there ,more sand paper ,don’t need any but got more ,90 there lol ,then yeah there is more spent allmost a 100 of more cutting compound polish and swirl remover haha
and a few toher things as well like a little hand tool set by master craft ,like 8 bucks and i know i’m missing something ,but all togther i spent like 600 on car shit .oh ad i ordered the header 300 there lol
i would feel sorry for the DA
what do you mean “feel sorry for the da” ?
well anyways the box is mated and going to clean it up a bit then fallow with kitty hair
Thats just his way of being a dick, note the JDM in the user name.
Your car isnt my style, but its not my car.
Props for doing your own work.
thats what i figured but i thought it would have been a bit more clever (shrugs)
so i cut and polished the door
yeah boy i’m happy with it
Wow Dis Project Is Turning Out Nice…but Its Prbly Gonna Put A Hole In Ur Pocket…really Nice Ur My Idol…im Lost Are The Headlights Rsx Or Do They Pop Out And Turn Like In The Beggining Of The Thread
thanks ,and yes it really isnt a budegt project anymore …gonna see if i can win at a car show with it this year.doubt i will ,but wouldnt it be funny to win some thing with a garage made once rusted out car lol if i dont sell like i was suppose to allready that is lol
um no the tailights are to deep so the light would have to come out alot to have it flip up .I was going to but i kinda just want to get it done! it been going on to long now haha just the tails are RSX the front is stock next project i’m going to beat get the flip up to work flawless…
so here is a vid of the box in action haha .pounds wicked .i only have that cheap MTX thunder crap in the box right now ,and nothing is bolted on the car ,doors tailights and whatnot ,so imagine it sealed up :o
let me know if the linky no worky
whats the vid of, its just alot of distortion and what appears to be a camera placed on the roof. take a vid of you actually seeing the box
i dnt know bout everyone else but it aint work for me it might just be this shitty comp i might have to just wait till i get home n use my own comp…do you have any :gotpics: of box in car
well the sound sucks on this digi cam ,so i just put it on the car lol vibratin and stuff lol
i’ll make a new one after lol
got the scrub brush out and washed my wheel wells and then truck bed lined them …$$$$ shit haha
gotta do another coat .and i have to remove the struts
and yes those are shitty sleeve coilovers…junk lol
did the front too and some of under side …need more of the bed liner though and i was sick of scrubbing haha
Keep it up, don’t listen to haters. Just brush your shoulders off and keep molding, modifying, shaving, cutting, welding. What are you gonna do w/ the front end and the motor?
agree w/ the person before me, keep up good work.
and at least you have coil overs!..lucky, i still have stock everything.
i’ve been told that my inner rear tire lifts up when taking turns sharp, but i’ve been commented that it looks cool when it lifts
Ok, I just gotta chime in here.
Firstly props to you Phatboy from a fellow Nuck. If I were any closer I would drive right over there and buy you a beer. Make it 10. Those tails aint my style but who the F&*% am I? If it wasnt for guys like you being creative and thinking outside the box the rest of us would be driving around add-on sunshades and indiglo badging. You effin rock bro.
The only problem I had with this entire thread, is that I stumbled onto it and stayed up for 3 hours in a row watching you turn that rusted out piece of crap into something beautiful…Only to find out when I got to the end you werent done. And So now Im like some kinda TV junkie waitin’ for the next episode of “Heroes” or “Weeds” … Cept its your crazy ass we’re all checkin in on…
Checkin in bro…
P.S. Oh and btw…GoGreen? You suck balls
i thought you sold this car already?
hey i was just woundering about the rain gutters…how do you take them out… with out ruining them cuz i want to put them back… thanks it would be alot of help
yeah i know ,just one dude kept pushing my buttons ,its different when someone is across the world talking shit ,but he was so close i could go for a drive …if you know what i mean haha
um frontend will stay stock other then a lip and i’m not doing the skirts like that anymore i don’t think .thinking smaller .havent had time to do anything about it so lol all i’m doing it bolt ons i think ,tranny swap ,gotta loose the auto . header intake wires plugs,wires little shit just want a bit more pep .My buddy is hookin me up with his T25 off rhd sr20det 180sx so i might do play with some boost .But i’m not sure if tis engine could handle it lol
we shall see i guess .but thats way downt he road
lol yeah i guess you can look at it like that ,but these are so bad id rather be 4x4ing it haha this shit is only good when parked haha
haha thanks dude really appreciate it .yes this project has taken a long time alot longer then i thought it would ,hopefully soon i’ll finish this sucker up …
i’ll have something soon i swear this isnt the only car i work on though so i have to jump around alot lol
yes i did ,but now i didnt make sense ? i dont want my hard work to go downt he drain regaurdless of it being rice or whatever and honestly ive invested more then alot of guys on here into this car and id loose money so its most likely going to be givin away to my sister once i move on to another project
all i did was remove the hatch and tapped it from the windsheild back to loosen it up and they slide right out .you can remove them with the hatch installed but its a pain .good luck
later guys