what happened with the custom drifter style lips plans?
page 16 ownage!!!
what happened with the custom drifter style lips plans?
page 16 ownage!!!
spot i keep changeing my mind ,like i want it to be clean ,but on the other hand i want it to be different ,make sense ? I want to do it ,and i think it will look good ,bt it might allso throw it off alot …dont ya think . i dunno its tough one thats for sure hahah
so peeps its now time ,after days of sweeping blowing shop vacing pressure washing i’m ready to paint this car…
i added another fan with filter i want one more and i’m allso hangin poly above as well i hate dust lol
so next time you see this car is will be green flames ont he roof and black to match the rest :rockon:
I’m excited.
Amazng work, man. I’ve been fiending for your updates since I joined :o
Now what makes you say that? The fact that I expressed an opinion that differed from the majority, offered some advice, and even gave some credit? Some other posts were adversarial, ignorant, and downright rude, yet you single me out? I don’t get it.
Phatboy: In all seriousness, I’m not trying to hijack your thread, insult you, or talk shit in any way. Just so you know. Don’t get me confused with people who call you a ricer or say you suck, or whatever. I’m not that guy.
To reiterate, I do think it’s cool that you’re doing your own work, and that you’re willing to go out and buy the tools and supplies that you need to tackle something of this nature. For what it’s worth, I’m the same way. I was honestly just offering some tips and identifying some areas I thought could use improvement, for the record.
And now, back to regularly scheduled programming…
lol don’t bother with those '08s
man im so pumped about everything your doing its all so unique and ever since i joined iv been watching your updates its bout time dat i join this convo at the end to tell you how amazing your doing
go green
i know you just came off kinda rude,but i thank you for the advice and i’m going to keep working on it and hope to get better as time goes on
ummm i’m 07
are ya ,cool thanks bud
fans worked
lets just say my booth wasnet much of a booth by the end haha
thats all i give for now well one more
messed my rims up lol bags came off second coat .oh well blast them again i guess lol not reng the neon fenders either .look funny to me ,but i guess they are better then what it was eh lol
Nice, it’s really coming along! And btw I was referring to zendouche
:rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: Lookin good.
thanks still a ways to go though ,wetsanding buffing polish takes forever haha .oh i didnt realise that ,i was just playin anyways
got some orange peel and some dust specs but good cut and polish should clean it up …i hope lol
What type of rims are those? Lookin’ good. Keep it up!
:getsome: :manual:
Corniest quote ever: "Get yours today! JDM is IN!"
thanks ummm they are KOSI sekani racing spelling? 16x7.5 or 7 they are for my crx ,they are just on her since my crx is outside and dont want to mess them up lol too late now haha
so people ive been wetsanding .and um i hate it still lol every car i do the more i hate it haha it sucks .i’m all wet ,but at least the prange peel is gone hehehe :bowthank:
so just cause i was bored i throught he lights on to see what it would look like didnt post it on here for some reason though …
and for those who like angled pics and the ones that hate it haha
later people
Looks really good man. Please do something with the exhaust though.
damn man nice work man keep it comin :rockon:
Lookin’ good Bro! That paint is slick.
Have another fruity rum drink there Breezy. 08 is where its at.
Awesome job man! If you weren’t so far away I would get you to hook up my 1/4 panel:)
Now that’s what I was getting at with the flames. Nice smooth curves. Good taping. Might I suggest some pinstriping at the edges of the flames to set them off? Maybe a blood red? Silver might look good too, or even just a different shade of green.
Black was a good colour choice. It suits the tails.
You’re going to be decapitating gophers with that exhaust though… :lol:
ya i love the rsx headlights how hard was it to convert to those cuz that looks amazing
This is a pretty crazy build. 16 pages (so far) and Phat Boy keeps changing his mind every page… LOL! That relocated gas filler neck was something else.
But seriously… it has taken you an amazing amount of work just to get to this point, I can’t wait to see the finished product.
Subscribed! :rockon:
why don’t you read the whole thread? he’s been documenting his progress!