HELP!!! B16a Clutch Question


oh i did about …i cant really count…i have beenin this hybrid thing since 98…not long but i change countless clutches…


What that “Tuan” guy says is true… you can bolt up any B-series tranny to any B-series block BUT that doesn’t mean you can use any B-series clutch. You missed the point entirely.

Anyway, I’m done wasting my breath on you. Everyone knows what clutch they need to use and no one will listen to your mis-information.

End of story. Bye.

I agree with you Ryan. I’m not wasting any more of my time on this topic. You, me, and a bunch of others know what’s up. I’m going to go buy the two cheap plastic clutch alignment tools tomorrow. I’ll take pics using my digital calipers on each one. And you’ll see that they are different. If you think you’re getting my cams, you’re as ignorant as you appear on this thread. I don’t make bets I can’t win. Now if you’re willing to wager something if you’re wrong, I’ll gladly put my cams on the table. But it has to be of equal value. I might as well get something for being right :D.

Like Ryan said, that “Tuan” guy is absolutely right. All B-series transmissions are interchangeable. But he didn’t touch the clutch issue at all which didn’t answer your question or apply to this post.

I think the horse is officially dead. And I’m spent :roll:.

Originally posted by G2guru
Well, FROM EXPERIENCE I can tell you there is no WAY a 92 or newer clutch disc will work with a pre 92 Tranny. The reason is simple. The mainshaft splines (the section that comes through the bell housing) that the clutch disc slides on is smaller on the 90-91 (or JDM 89) transmissions. So the 92 up clutch disc (if you do have one) would not turn the mainshaft when engaged because it would NEVER…NEVER meet the splines. Another analogy is to try to use a 14mm socket (92 Up Integra clutch disc) to remove a 13mm bolt (JDM S1 or other Pre 92 Integra Transmission Mainshaft). Good luck getting the bolt to turn.

since your being a child about a simple topic, well explain this

links below are the clutches offer for the respective car…

90 integra clutches

92 integra clutches



oh and you can keep your cams

i dont need reward, being right is enough…

thank you

And since when has Nopi been a reliable source? I can’t count the number of friends I have that have gotten parts from Nopi that don’t fit their car…yet in Nopi’s catalog it said it did.

Try these…



RPS Turbo Clutch

I could go on and on here. You are far from right, but if it makes you feel better to think so…whatever. I’ll post up pics of the alignment tools tomorrow so the people that want to know the truth can see.

Re: oh and you can keep your cams

Originally posted by chingro
[B]i dont need reward, being right is enough…

thank you [/B]

I couldn’t even get a result from those links you posted… and IF Nopi’s site says that, just because they’re wrong doesn’t make you right.

Here’s yet another site that proves 90-91 and 92-93 clutches are different.

I can’t BELIEVE how hard you’re trying to prove that your wrong information is right. It’s absolutely ridiculous. You seriously need to be banned for spreading wrong information and strutting about like you actually have knowledge.

i am pretty much, tired of this…everytime i goin my car and move off i basically prove that it fits…i will take pic and send…you…

like before, i said there is the possilility that my shaft has been changed.

i rather you just post the pic and let us see the truth…i will also take pics of my tranny and post online…and then you will see i have the S1 tranny

Hey Ryan…do you smell something burning? hehehe :smiley:

90-91 Integra…24 Splines, Spline Major Diameter = 25mm
92-Up Integra…24 Splines, Spline Major Diameter = 26mm


Re: Re: oh and you can keep your cams

Originally posted by ryank

I couldn’t even get a result from those links you posted… and IF Nopi’s site says that, just because they’re wrong doesn’t make you right.

Here’s yet another site that proves 90-91 and 92-93 clutches are different.

I can’t BELIEVE how hard you’re trying to prove that your wrong information is right. It’s absolutely ridiculous. You seriously need to be banned for spreading wrong information and strutting about like you actually have knowledge. [/B]

your making me laugh…LOL

Originally posted by G2guru
[B]Hey Ryan…do you smell something burning? hehehe :smiley:

90-91 Integra…24 Splines, Spline Major Diameter = 25mm
92-Up Integra…24 Splines, Slpine Major Diameter = 26mm

:lol: [/B]

oh thanks for the pics////:confused:

Well, it’s 11:00pm here on the west coast and all shops are closed. But if you seriously want another slap in the face, I’ll still post the pictures for you tomorrow evening.

i am taking my tranny, out after i pick up my other car today…by the end of the week i will see if your right, or i’m right , or if i really have a freak tranny with a changed shaft…(i called up the shop that sold me the tranny, they told me that it is a cable S1 tranny with changed gears(JDM ITR gears), and it was bolted on to a SIR-2 B16A. and they still have the papers that came with the tranny and engine explainin the modifications on it…but he said there is nuthing about a shaft being changed…so i will see

Well there you have it…when they put ITR gears in it…they put the ITR mainshaft (which comes with the JDM ITR gear set) into the S1 transmission. So yeah…you have an S1 transmission casing, but not an S1 transmission. Meaning…You have a 26mm spline diameter just like every other 92-up Teg. If you had the real S1 gearing, you would have the 25mm spline diameter. I’m dying to say it…but I won’t. Have a nice day.

well i am sorry about everything guru

it seems that i really do have a freak tranny…
lookin at my tanny you can see that is was taken apart…

i am kinda happy about the great ITR gears, BUT…i hate the fact that when i use the LS ecu and i rev out at 7 in 5th gear, my max speed is 125mph//////

with the GSR revin at 8k, i never really took it to the limit…

anyways…i am going to the shop to pic up the papers that they have explaining the mods…the guy said the papers had the S1… serial number and the mods (gears it has).
it might be a little valuable when, or if i am sellin my car, or tranny.

OMG… i just read through this post… and after every post i got more and more frustrated w/ “Chingro”… hahahahahahahaha!

this is too much… oh man…

Originally posted by 92GS-R
[B]OMG… i just read through this post… and after every post i got more and more frustrated w/ “Chingro”… hahahahahahahaha!

this is too much… oh man… [/B]

so what now?? i to feel a way??..listen son…i swap clutches on two trannies i thought was completely stock…and made an argument on it…becauseofwhat someone said about having the mainshaft changed i proceeded to check it out…at the same time defend my argument…unitl i was certainly sure otherwise…

so keep quit:D

Originally posted by chingro

so what now?? i to feel a way??..listen son…i swap clutches on two trannies i thought was completely stock…and made an argument on it…becauseofwhat someone said about having the mainshaft changed i proceeded to check it out…at the same time defend my argument…unitl i was certainly sure otherwise…

so keep quit:D [/B]

haha… but you gotta admit… you must have been felt quite embarrased, eh? :shy:

This was one of the longest and most pointless threads ever. All that happened was someone asked a question, we answered it and this chingro guy comes in and insists common-knowledge is wrong. Then he tells us 10,000 posts later that it’s a totally custom tranny.

I’M embarassed for having wasted my time on chingro.

Re: LOL…i was waiting for some stupid person to reply

Originally posted by chingro

the only thing that will prove us both to be right, is if my S1 shaft was changed…

as you can see i never threw out guru’s statment about the mainshaft cuz there was a high possibility it was true…

and as you can see i am man enough to admit when i am wrong…but are you man enough stop being a @ss about it?..Apparently not.

how can i feel embarrased about something i learnt from??.. for immature kids like you maybe you would…

have a nice day…guys…