HELP!!! B16a Clutch Question

i can’t believe you just called ANYONE else immature. sit down relax and read through the entire post one time and you’ll see WHY you DID try YOUR hardest to make Dan and ryan look stupid and wrong.

You even posted a stupid thread entitled “Dan (g2guru) This proves YOUR lack of knowledge!!” did you not do that?

so don’t try and tell us anything about being immature. give me a break.

All I’m sayin is this:

  1. Chingro KNEW his tranny was an S1 cause of how it FELT hmmmmmm

  2. This is not the first time he has thrown out “correct info” without being able to actually prove it. Its always been from past experiance just like this situation.

  3. His info is always right, no matter what. Until he’s proven wrong beyond a doubt.

I know my post has no point, I really just had share, cause I’ve been on the other side of the Chingro fight before.


Quotes from chingro in this thread:

“i have been in this for almost 6 years now…(in 98 i did my first engine swap, and got hooked), i know what i am saying”

“i would appreciate if anyone answeres any further question…dont answer from what he said or you read…lots of stuff i read and heard turned out incorrect, so from experience would be preffered…”

“hey i am sorry if i called you stupid…
what i meant to say is wait for a stupid answer…”

“oh whenu dun email me for the addy where to send the cams”

“i have to say this guy FROM EXPERIENCE…is alotsmarter than you…”

“i dont need reward, being right is enough…”

oh yeah, Dan I still wanna see the pictures. :smiley:

Originally posted by DAY U IZ
I know my post has no point, I really just had share, cause I’ve been on the other side of the Chingro fight before.

-Steve [/B]

so tell them what happened then:shy:
you made yourself look bad…as for me now.

and i have a S1 tranny…(well so speaking, different gears)…
what now? want to see pics of it?..

anyways//// yeass i have been it the hybrid thing for 6 years…

but this is my first G2 integra…andthe experiences with civics and G3 tegs got the better of me…

i have pics and lost of it, that’s if you want to waste further time…

previously owned a 91 JDM civic with a Jamaica.i did nuthing to this car…sold it last year…cuz i hardly retune to the island.
in 98 (my first honda in the U.S.)…91 civc SI ,did a ZC swap…(too easy, wasn’t as fast as i wanted have pics)

about two yrs later, got a 91 civic SI again, did a conversion like the car i had in JA…it was faster than the ZC, but for some reason, the car i had in JA was faster on the quarter mile…(friend in JA said JDM has lighter bodies…have pics)

at the same time we made a sleeper 91 sedan LX, with 1.6 VTEC motor…ran great, till i flipped it have pic

nex was a US 1988 turbo mazda 323 4 wheel drive, we dropped in a JDM engine, it ran faster than the GSR’s then, but gave us too much problems…so we sold it.have pics but onmy brothers PC…he now lives at adifferent location.

later i got a 1992 prelude, and dropped H23.and now it is a SI.(i still own this car, and sellin for $3500)…

brother got a 96 GSR, and we did his motor over, and it is now runnin on boost…have pics, on bro’s pc

now for all the countless customers cars i have dun have thousands of pics i have never tried to switch a clutch on a G2 teg…i just order the clutch and when it comes i throw it in…

till when i got MY own G2 about a year now…before i even had the car for 2months, i did the LS/VTEC swap…and got the S1 tranny few weeks later…and then i did some switchin…basically seen what i did with my own eyes convinced me…i had no idea the gears in my tranny has been changed…or anything like that…so if you dont understand where i am coming from then that’s ok…

:cool: :cool: i am used toit cuz i am a man who stands by his word, till provenwrong:cool: :cool:

oh i forgot to mention my 88 beater teg, with the ZC motor,REBUILT…ran low 15’s…and got into the 14s…but never mad it home…(it had the custom rust marks and all…and it was the best sleeper yet):frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

hey chingro… i was never doubting your work in imports ,etc. obviously you’ve been working on imports for quite a while and i’m sure you know alot…

but it’s just the way you went about this thread that made me annoyed. not only did you say… this is what i have… but you also proceeded to tell everyone that they should “post from experience and not from what people say.” SO Dan and ryan posted FROM experience. Like you said, you’ve only done ONE tranny in an involving an S1 tranny. all your other work was w/ newer intergras. The only people in this thread that had personally experience was Dan and ryan. and they told you the truth straight out and you proceeded to bash them. and try and prove them wrong.

Hey guys, I’ve been following this thread for the past week or so, LMAO! Watching someone make total “@ss” of himself… but hey, it’s time to lighten up on the poor guy. He’s probably feelin’ pretty “immature” about arguing about this “hybrid thing” when he obviously didn’t have enough “experience” in it. Hybridding is more than just motor swapping. His “reward” for his “stupid answer” is now, who can take him seriously? Sorry, had a few drinks and couldn’t pass that up…:stuck_out_tongue:

I think for everyones sake, its time to lock this post.

Re: Re: LOL…i was waiting for some stupid person to reply

Originally posted by chingro

as you can see i never threw out guru’s statment about the mainshaft cuz there was a high possibility it was true…

and as you can see i am man enough to admit when i am wrong…but are you man enough stop being a @ss about it?..Apparently not.

how can i feel embarrased about something i learnt from??.. for immature kids like you maybe you would…

have a nice day…guys… [/B]

All I have to say is… Hindsight is 20 20… and at times like this is always used as a scapegoat…