How To: Chipping a PR4 ECU

If you guys who dont know how to desolder want to get the stock ROM out the easy way, or at least easier way then just get a pair of snips and snip off all the pins. You wont be needing your stock ROM after this and without using a heat sink you will probably burn it up anyway.

Just snip all the pins off and then desolder each pin individually so you dont have to worry about pulling out a 28 pin IC.


Hmm i found it very useful that i was able to switch back to the stock chip, im currently running the stock one cuz i need to freakin smog so badly!

i have a pr4 OBDI ecu and it a whole different board than what u have… im so lost…

Originally posted by 90tegLS703
i have a pr4 OBDI ecu and it a whole different board than what u have… im so lost…


How do I check to see what ecu I have is there a number or code somewhere on it that I can look for. My teg is a 90 rs w/ B18A1 currently. I am getting a 1996 gen3 teg nonvtec engine from a friend who totaled it should I swap the harness and ecu when I pull the engine? And what ecu would that be, code or obd1-2, pr4?

i think 96’s are obd I the 98 and later are obd 2

Originally posted by bubbadabulldawg
How do I check to see what ecu I have is there a number or code somewhere on it that I can look for. My teg is a 90 rs w/ B18A1 currently. I am getting a 1996 gen3 teg nonvtec engine from a friend who totaled it should I swap the harness and ecu when I pull the engine? And what ecu would that be, code or obd1-2, pr4?

you have an obd0 aka non-obd (90-91), pr4 (90-93) ecu.

the 96 ls would be an obd2 (96-01), p75 (92-01) ecu.

you dont have to do any wiring if you dont want to. just drop it in short of some hose rerouting i believe. just do a search for ‘b18b swap’.

cool thnx for the facts…

Originally posted by bubbadabulldawg
How do I check to see what ecu I have is there a number or code somewhere on it that I can look for. My teg is a 90 rs w/ B18A1 currently. I am getting a 1996 gen3 teg nonvtec engine from a friend who totaled it should I swap the harness and ecu when I pull the engine? And what ecu would that be, code or obd1-2, pr4?
You going to have to keep your distributor, injectors, wiring harness, etc if your going to be doing that swap.
Like xdeep said, you will be using your ecu for it.




I had a professional install my chip for me so I didn’t do any of the work. But I was wondering if anyone would know or had this problem that I ma having. SOMETIMES when I am driving and the idel is between 2K and 3K RPM’s it will drop to idel then go back up. It does the same when I am sitting still and holding the the RPM’s between 2K and 3K. It will only do this sometimes. I have no Idea why. Maybe I need to reset my ECU? How do I reset my ECU by the way just for future referance?

ECU Reset Tegtip

I’m about to try ZIFing my PR4 OBD-0 ECU… Well, actually, I’m getting a spare ECU to work on.

I have a Chip for the OBD1/automatic tranny that I bought off of Ebay… I never used it because i thought I had OBD1, but I have OBD0… if anyone is interested, then Email me at

launch control chipped?

so you chip the ecu, then add the program into the chip…

then you add a button? like the msd 2 step launch control?

how would the chipped ecu programed launch control work?

add a button?? huh?

lauch control is a revlimiter at a lower than usual place under some speed. So like mine has a 3k revlimit under 6mph, after 6mph it uses the normal revlimit.


oooo… i was thinkin about the 2 step launch control… hehehe… :stuck_out_tongue:

mah bad…

i can chip a lot easier now. takes maybe 15 min. heres how i do it now using only the solder pump, pliers, and a screwdriver:

  1. bend pins up.
  2. suck out solder using solder-pump - place hole over pin, move to the side to contact side of pin, suck.
  3. bend pins inward. most will make a snap.
  4. use pliers/screwdriver to pry up/wiggle chip carefully at top and bottom. there is some glue under the chip.
  5. insert socket and bend top and bottom pins to hold.
  6. melt lots of solder (1-2in.) into tip of solder-pump.
  7. place tip over pin and circle slightly to fill in hole - 1-2 seconds. refill with solder every other pin.

Congrats on the swiping of the Carls Jr number things, nice to know im not the only one with a small collection of those lol

man i wish i would have seen this sooner

Oh man me and my friend started to do this and ended up messing up the ECU and I had to buy a new one that already had the performance chip in it. If I would have seen this a year ago it would have helped out so much. But if anyone is looking for one of these chips i still have the old one and will sell it for like 7-8 bucks. Email me @ Thanks.