Import Alliance - Nashville, TN - July 25-26, 2009

yea that was mine… just an intake and a tip not a fart can tho i like my kind of over sized stock… just a dual outlet tip… i had to do it for fun got a monster crowd over there

heres a video sorry so shaky my cousin had me all scared it was gonna blow he started pushing it and i got nervious as hell to behonest… exited nervious and a long way from home…its funny now that i watch the video and see how nervious i was also considering i was just using my little digi camra to record it…

2 slow i think i saw you leaving when i was pulling in sunday. if it wasnt you then it was a teg just like yours. that dyno run isnt to bad for a pretty much stock GSR. those guys at Carma are really good at what they do so if you ever need any work done I suggest them. In a couple of months when I get my LS/Vtec together they Erin is going to tune it for me. He is also the guy that sold me my DA… Anywho IA was awesome. There were some crazy badass cars there and I loved it!!!

2 slow i was the guy that said i hated u jokeingly at the dyno u rember me

ahh yea lol… thats awsome wish i woulda had some g2ic stickers then everyone would know me

prolly was me my cousin had this lil short bitchy gal with him she was all complaining she was hungry and crap so i had to make my sunday a short 1 really wish i didnt have 2… there was only me and a teal db2’s there

and whats a good web site that ill find pic on all the pics you can want even a good 1 of my teg going on the dyno on page 7

The meet was great and the hotel i stayed at was the place to be. laquinta ftmfw. I went to the burgers and cream meet but i didn’t notice any other tegs because i didn’t walk around that much.

I would have met up with you at your hotel Herb, but I fell asleep as soon as we got back to our hotel. We didn’t even go back to the show on Sunday. We were kind of pissed with how they handled the whole parking situation.

On the way back, my exhaust came detached, so I had to work a little frontier medicine to make it home. We made it back though. :whew:

I didn’t take many pics since we were only there Saturday, but I did get some pics of a few DAs there. I’ll post them up later.

i was at the burgers and cream meet

I was at burgers and cream, too and only saw 2slow and one other DA there. I’ve got a lot of pics from the show that I’ll be putting up in the next day or two (got to sort through them and get a few more from my buddy).

This is my favorite pic of my car so far that we took on the way back: