Nitrous Express Incognito "hidden" System

this is the kit im thinking about buying is it worth it i will only run 50 shot on it and will my car run rich.

Can you get high off of nitrous?

not automotive nitrous, itll make you sick. they put a special additive in it so people dont do that… now medical grade nitrous, oh hell yeah!

best way to do this kit is either chip your stock ecu with nitrous controls or buy a standalone with nitrous controls.
automotive grade nitrous has 50 ppm sulfur dioxide.

You think a standalone will be able to work with nitrous that can get you high? Maybe I can have it set so that nitrous is distributed at WOT so that it makes it “feel” like you are going faster.


o man, i have my remote bottle opener on my med grade so when i put my ebrake up it opens the bottle. works great, esp. when there are girls in the backseat…just keep that ebrake up till they pass out. LOL.

Dude, you are a sick man.
