NorCal - June 3rd - BBQ & Cruise

Had fun! Crusing on those twisty roads was a blast!
Next time someone bring a football or frisbee!



no one called me
scared to get pwnd up there i guess :blah:

i just want to make sure that everyone knows that lawton is a bitch. that is all.

Was fun… Fuck that heat!.

Right now im at kev’s with slowmo, Josh and boyer… On our way back down from the mountain there was a car accident, we couldnt see it from where we were… So after about 30-45minutes of waiting me and Josh got nosey and wondered… low and behold Ryan (bryan?) with the white RX7… A motorcycle ran into him hella hard.

haha nothing says party like HIGH LIFE!!!

looks like it was a fun meet…couldnt make it to this one, cuz of work…like always…lol…everyone knoes that whever knoes me…=)…but gyeah…hang out at kevs house was fun…it always is…nice to see some people again, that i havent seen in hella years…drew…but gyeah see you guys around…



oh yah Austin…wuts “lawton is a bitch” all about?..haha…wut happened?

haha This meet was Hella fun. Had a few boring points, but over all I was happy that it was a successfull meet. Fuk tha Naysayers:D I did it bitchez. :gtfo: Next one I want to be in the evening/night. I think that will work better with peoples schedules. I cant wait for Alan to post the videos, as well as all 101 pix.

Lets see the videos! I think Neil will host them if you send him the files.

Hella fun meet! And even funner drive following the meet! Sorry i couldn’t go to the party, i had to go home, i had my bro, but whatever. There is always next time!

Bring on the videos! And pics of the RX-7, haha


the cruise was fun, and what made it more hott was the car washh =)… we should of stopped there and gotten are car washed. really they were hott… bikinii HELLO people hahaha… it was mad fun thou… until next time =)

lol d00d, she was like 16. It was a HS school thing. LOL. Thats why we didnt stop.:whisper: :danger: :danger: :danger: :danger:

HAHHA it really was like some high school stuff…haha…man great meet, eventhough i coudln’t bring my car, i came through with the wifes s14…hope that was ok…hahaha…bitches…

always stay high life

man where are all the rest of the pics and videos

fucking josh u bitch man…hatting off my videos, by the end of the night, this niggah was watching that shit being amazed and shit…he was just mad id idn’t get his car too much, my bad though foreals, it wasn’t my fault, we were stuck in back the whole time, we need walkie talkies for the first and the last people, that would make the meet a lot better bc we can cordinate a whole lot better

Man fuk that Im pullin an austin.

Gets up on a soapbox


lol Hella stealin my idea nukka. I said that at Kevs last night f00l! Aye, most of the videos were hella short. But the long ones were cOo. I told you that before hand d00d! Ill post a pic for you drew. :salute:

haha mad blurry

man where are all the other pics?

84 Pics and 12 Vids. LOL Alans loading em now. :worry: Gunna take a long ass time. lol

It look’s like you guy’s and gal’s had alot of fun I hope when I get my 92LS on the road that the NY meet will be nice like that, oh and who’s blue teg is that that shit looks real nice, I can’t wait too see some more pics and the vid’s.

Bitch, The walkie talky shit was my idea… I may of been drunk but i remember it!!

Anyways… Here’s the pictures.

Josh posted the other one already :squint:

:crazy: Beyooooooooooootch It was MY Idea. YOU Co-signed it:crazy: . Hurry and post the rest!:gotpics:

DaytonablueG2 BTW… for the guy that asked.

man i kno there are more pics than that, i took all of em on alans camera, except for like a couple