NorCal - June 3rd - BBQ & Cruise


Thats right Biotches i tower over all! But especially over Josh! You can stand on whatever you damn well please, and i will still kick you ass, haha


HAHA You might tower over me, but my 15 hits harder than your 4 10s :owned:

We never even tested em out, mother alan would have had a cow, haha


lol damnit i cant wait to get another DA so i can come out with you guys.

there are HELLA das on Craigslist right now. CHEAP TOO!

Nick(90dals) you slacker, go buy one NOW!


nice turnout guys!

Damnit, D!.

Stop hideing behind the computer and show up to a meet for once! :nana:

lol i will i just gotta wait till im back from my trip so the kid will have the money to buy my S13 and then… im gettin a da bishes.

ill have like 2500-2800 to spend.

i hope ur new da turns out a lil bit better than ur last one:tsk:

^+1 Wise words spoken by drew!

I should try to find pics of the last one, haha they woudl give us all a good laugh!


ive seen it in person:gotrice:

I watched that car in the making. from its primered no bodykit stage, to the way yopu saw it with the blown motor, you don’t have to tell me twice, haha


hahaha…all good…no more talking shit…haha oops…haha…

I wasn’t talking shit were you? Nick knows its all in fun. He will rag on that car just as much as the next guy! I am trying to get him to do his car right this time!


haha foreals…look at us thread whoring…josh…go to sleep man…haha…sucks ur ass doesn’t have AIM

:cough: WH0R3Z :cough:

:cough: kevins MOM :cough:

:cough: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo you didddddnnttt :cough: