NorCal - June 3rd - BBQ & Cruise

Well for those of you that remember how bad my tires looked, heres a pic of them. I rememberd later that I had 3 spare Nittos in my storage:) So I switched this one out. Now, not to sound a bit coky, buuuuuuuuut, Now he did that on fresh tires, and I didnt fuk up once on these…yet he reallllllllllly wanted to race me…:umno:

Race = Race Track.

Hope you all learned something.

lol no, we werent racing at the time. He left before everyone else. Plus we stopped and took some more pix. We know racing is for the trak. Alan never lets us forget that. lol

Street Racing= Get the fuck out of my life and dont show your face to a meet again. :slight_smile:

The guy wanted to race Devious, And Set him up for it and all… But Devious never went for it… The accident happened AFTER the meet, We all separated and was heading down the hill when we found him.

You guys are so lucky to be able to do this on such a regular basis, I’m jealous. I only know of one other person on this board in my town that still owns a DA, 2 cars dont exactly make much of a meet. :frowning:

Yes we are lucky.

I <3 G2IC’s NorCal chapter :slight_smile:

We are all pretty close friends so its easy to get in contact with eachother when needed.

Me and Tegboi are the people to know when it comes to meeting everyone, Devious is making his way there :ohyeah: Since we all know everyone.

As a matter of fact… Afew members are coming down to my house today to go to a auto performance shop close by, Get lunch and fix my flat tire :slight_smile:

Brian Hunter, you should come to the WCM 2K6. You can roll out, at least 20 tegs, adn you can join in on a real meat! TI is going to be fun. Steve(toohott4handlin) and I are lookign at hotel prices today, we are guna try and get group rates and stuff.


haha alan and kev are the people to kno in the bay, but u kno who it is in sac…haha me and josh fooo…HAHA…

g2ic norcal chapter is off the hook, but u guys dont give sac people any love, well kev does…haha shows me some good lovin neways…haha

here are the pics from my gfs camera guys

yO Drew See fuker theres the pix you were complainin about that Alan didnt upload. lol. I guess Im just good for delivery service! I show you sac mofos love. Bastich.

yea, i forgot i was using her camera too…shiet…too many cameras were being used, hey all good, at least we got all the pics on there

lol nah Joewell still got some pix to post. I think there was someone else with a cam too.

Nice pics drew! I especially liek the ones o’ my car, haha!



i <3 u guys… another great day… hahahaha

josh is a bitch… (not jgibbs)


:lol: :iagree: :werd: tall and skinny white josh hella owned up on short and fat black josh. when jgibbs josh stood up straight he towered over dev even when dev stood on the curb. :owned: hahhaha josh owned josh hahahha.

Hey fuk you buddy! Mr. Understeer Jr. Hella got owned on the hills!:rant:

I dunno what youv been smoking Austin but White Josh is 6’ 2" and really skinny so he gives off the taller look, He towers over most of the people at the meet. :corn:

who’ hungrey? i am…hehe…