older greddy turbo timer wiring help....

i searched through countless threads, and can’t seem to find a wiring diagram for the older style tt’s. so far i’ve gathered this:

red wire- white wire
green wire- black wire w/yellow stripe
blue wire- yellow wire

now i also have a purple wire in the main harness and a seperate harness w/ a gray, purple, brown wires. where do these 4 wires go to. this is going on a 91 teg btw. the tt i have is like this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Greddy-Full-Auto-Timer-Turbo-Timer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33742QQitemZ8060865978QQrdZ1

thanx for the help.

no one knows?

up for help…

One goes to your ebrake, one goes to your VSS and the other is supposed to be ignored. Search for Greddy Turbo Timer in Google, thats how I found it for myself about two months ago.

One goes to your ebrake, one goes to your VSS and the other is supposed to be ignored. Search for Greddy Turbo Timer in Google, thats how I found it for myself about two months ago.

i did google it, but everything i found was for the newer gen model. is the wiring the same for the newer on and the older model?



Scroll down to the 4th diagram, that’s what I used