Opinions on Japan Car exporter DA6

Man, you’ve got a serious problem. Calm down a bit and remove that cock from your ass. Feel better now?

Just because you don’t like to hear the truth in what I said doesn’t mean it’s worthless.

Bottom line: from what you tell us, you walked into this deal without any knowledge of the company, with no references at all, laid down the cash and hoped for the best. You didn’t get any certified mail documenting the transaction and now you want people to pity your situtation. Sounds like a great plan. :up:

nah, i think your confusing me with yourself. your the one with a cock in your mouth…spouting off with your bullshit comments…

you think Batfa is unknown??? fuckin search this very site, alot of people were looking at this site back in October.

first off, i never said i have been ripped off yet, i am just trying to figure out how this fucked up company operates…maybe i cant predict the future like YOU OBVIOUSLY CAN…you dont know shit about this company, so why dont you just shut the fuck up…if you have any USEFUL (look up b/c you don’t know that word) INFO, such as a purchase from them, or someone you may know who has purchased from them…that is useful information…are you getting the idea now??

Regardless, you’re asking for info you should have gotten months ago. Now is not the time to be scrambling for answers. Funny that you say that I don’t know shit about this company, when you clearly know as little as I do.

I emailed that place back in November about a Skyline GTS and never got a reply. That, to me, is a sign of a business that cares so little about their overseas customers that they can’t take 2 minutes to reply to an email.

Whats more, you asked for OPINIONS on the matter, so stop your crying. Enough with the attitude, as well. No one on here appreciates it at all. Totally uncalled for.

jdmda9 is right in the fact that you never searched BEFORE you purchased, if you would have done more backround on them you would have known exactly how this “fucked up company” operates, and there would be no need to “predict the future” (btw, nothing in any of his posts states the was/can predict the future, otherwise i’m sure he would NOT have purchased the mirrors from you and got screwed)

also, please watch the language, it is uncalled for and unwanted here. if you are gonna get that sour over something you asked for, then its probably best that you go elsewhere.

when i say predict the future, i was referring to knowing about them operating like this…i did search for info on this company, and found nothing just about…so whatever…if they’re is no one who previously bought from them, how the fuck should i know this deal would drag out like this…

mods: just close this damn thread, i really dont care to hear more ranting from JDMDA9…and apparently thats all their is gonna be on this thread

obviously you did not search enough, which should have been done if making a purchase this large. and the way that you would “the fuck know how this deal” would pan out would be by what you are doing now, 3 months ago. you could just as easily posted and asked aboot experiances, not just here, but honda-tech, csi.com, club rsx, etc. its not that hard bro.

If you did some research and found nothing on them, that still made you go and send money to them? Seriously the attitude is not necessary, no hostility needed. Most of us posted here to help a g2 bro/sis out since they came looking for help. Every comment should be taken into consideration as somewhat helpful. G2ic isn’t about trash talking each other, if Neil wouldn’t known that, he wouldn’t have made the effort to make this site for us. So seriously calm down a little.

As for the topic, i am done helping.

yeah seriously, u need to calm down, ur excessive use of the work Fuck is not necessary.

Ne ways, i say u gather up everybit of information that purchase agreement is gonna be the thing u need the most, every email, u had with that company and bring it to a lawyer. And see wat they can do.

I still dont get why would u send money to a unknown company to god knows where. Looked like a scam to begin with.

I could probably pull the same thing, get u to send me money and ill send it to u a item, but i get ur money cash it in, then i just made some cash, and theres nothing u can do about it. But cant since shoppingcart would come kick my ass since he lives down the street from me.

But looks like ur out of luck. Just wondering how much did u wire to that so called “Company” if u dont mind me asking

they are in the yellow pages, they are registered with the tokyo chamber of commerce like they say…

shoppingcart003 - didnt even search the right name…he searched BAFTA…the company is BATFA…

there are lots of Japan Based Car Export Sites…

and you say i should do research??? research what?? when you buy from a company in the US do you waste time looking to see if other people have bought from them? no most likely you don’t.

Batfa Japan Inc is a legitimate company, i am just trying to figure out what they’re problem is with shipping a car out in a timely manner.

If you have a useless ranting on comment like JDMDA9, it is not needed. nor is it helpful.

let me rephrase my question…Has anyone here bought a car from Batfa or know anyone that has?

Streetracer, i searched Batfa
i mistyped it when i was doing the post

I seriously don’t understand how you are saying the company is legitimate when they haven’t even send your car over or doesn’t even respond to phone calls or emails. How did you prove that they are part of the Chamber of Commerce and part of their yellow pages?
and nobody has given an answer you are looking for, so i suggest waiting it out or do something else.

I just recalled a similar situation with my work. I work at a voicemail company. We purchased about $5K work of voice mail equipment from over in Korea or Japan. Faxed the guy a Purchase Order and Wired the money through the bank. We did a few deals with him about $5K each. The last deal, he never sent the goods. There is nothing we can do. He is overseas, we only had a printed out PO, nothing signed, and wired the money. He never answered his emails, faxes or phone calls. We got fucked.

This is your problem right here. If you don’t take a look at the track record of places in the US, then your surely going to get screwed everywhere else. Every company is out to make a buck, it’s just some are more willing to go out of there way in terms of service and delivering the product that sets them apart. Clearly, BATFA isn’t that kind of company…

Everyone has offered their opinion on this matter (which you asked for), and it seems that you won’t be happy until someone tells you what you want to hear. You’ve shown disrespect to almost everyone that has replied to this thread, so why don’t you take is somewhere else. Maybe some retards on another board might be willing to deal with your childish attitude. You won’t be getting any help here…

le sigh.
