Painting Dash Switch Bulbs- Any Pics?

how does that clock come off. Someone else was saying that it is a pain.

just slide a flathead in there (i would do it at a corner), and pry it out. be careful, because u can dent ur dashboard and it WILL look ugly with all these lil dents around ur clock if ur not careful

Originally posted by 1LOWTEG
[B]don’t paint them.
go to a music store( not cd store) and ask them for gells( the things they use to change the color of spot light.

you can get in almost any color and itz about $7-8 a sheet.
it won’t burn off like paint does and it looks good, becasue the color will be solid, not thin spots [/B]

Do they have Amber, or will I have to settle for red? Would Orange be stupid?

What gives with painting bulbs? There are postings in the archives on how to do this, and now people are saying that they fade! Did any of them actually last???

Tushai… When are we gonna see some pics?


SORRY SORRY SORRY, i got ONE pic. i will get more, i promise. as of now, this is what the climate control looks like with red transparent paper inside. It’s a bit brighter, just the camera is not too good.

i managed to redo my whole interior to amber… if you guys want… i can post pictures later (when it’s night time)…


Pix please! :gotpics: did you tamiya dip or what?

Originally posted by durb69
I tried to explain that the pictures don’t show what it really looks like. Its so Fu(*ing bright at night that you can hardly see out the window. It’s practically blinding. Thats why I put in a dimmer switch for them, because I had too.
The pictures do not show clearly what it really looks like. :mad:

dimmer switch for your indiglos? those leds don’t look like they light much up.

Alright… here are the pics of my interior ambered out… enjoy. :slight_smile:

any questions? :slight_smile:

srry to revive an old thread but for the amber did you just paint the bulbs? or did you take out the blue filaments too? the pics seem more yellow/bright than dat dark amber… hmm maybe if there were more coats or wat not it will glow darker…

does anybody know which wire it is that u cut to keep the clock bright when the interior lights are on?

if u cannot buy amber bulbs of the right size, 194 for guage cluster, 24 for climate control, and u decide to paint the bulbs, definately remove the blue filaments also.

man mdt115 yours turned out alot better than mine lol :stuck_out_tongue:

the easiest way to do this is with LEDs… i searched for colored bulbs with no luck and tried painting only to wreck things… just find someone who will do LEDs for u and sodder in resistors

heres my pics (i couldnt take very good pics for some reason :argh: )
theyre at the bottom of the page :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Dreadful, I was curious as to where you can get LEDs with resistors on them because my only luck has been ebay and i really dont want to pay shipping/duties/waiting time all for a couple of leds. Thx

lol its actually kind of funny how i came across the guy…
just when i was about to give up hope a guy at beam riders told me to go to the flea market and talk to some guy about it…

he was great, i really shoulda taken some pics of the bulbs but he soddered in the resistors and everything for me for only 2$ a bulb! for the bigger ones he soddered them to a peice of sodder board so they would fit into the sockets, and as for the little itsy bitsy bulbs in the switches… well those were hard but he had to take the old bulb out of the socket and replace it with a tiny LED and sodder in a micro sized resistor… they kinda fell apart a few times, good thing i lived close by. and then he shaved off a side so that they would point at the switch faces better
thats about the only problem i had aside from trying to get the needles in the cluster to light up properly… i still never ended up getting it but it looks alright

everything could stand to be a little brighter but im not complaining… it looks pretty damn sweet (way better irl than in the pics)

but ya, your from WR? thats not too far away… this guy lives in langley i could give u his info if u want it :slight_smile:

whats ur email?

I found a seller on ebay, got like 50 blue LED’s for 3 bucks! If you are interested I can try to look him up. MUCH better price than in stores!

do they have built in resistors? and are they the 2 different sizes?

They come with resistors, but you will have to solder them together. One size, but I got them to work on my whole dash with a little ingenuity!

sweet :slight_smile:
my fog light switch is already out sigh
now i have to take apart the whole interior again to fix it… argh!