Policy for FOR SALE threads

The moderators and I are considering that images of items MUST BE INCLUDED for items posted for sale. Proof-of-possession will be done by including a piece of paper with your username in the shot. This is in line with other forums in an effort to prevent scams and transaction problems later on. Please weigh in by replying below. Thanks!

All for it.

I think it’s a great idea. It is always frustrating when somebody posts a part for sale but you can’t see color, condition, etc…

twerks for me.

I’m personally not a fan of having a piece of paper included with your username on it. Just annoying more than anything else to me. Just my two cents. I do like the idea of pics with anything being sold in general though.

totally agree.
that is why i never post anything for sale on hondatech and nwp4life because they require you to have a sign with your name, date, etc.
its more difficult because i (and other members here) like to use pictures weve taken in the past. maybe because the item is in storage?
for whatever reason.

I’m not in favor of it. It’s not effective.

There’s no point of posting picture of some OEM parts, random $5-20 items which are common.

I am in support of requiring people to post pictures of any item worth over $50 just because if your going to be selling OR buying something in the price range, pictures help to illustrate the item, condition & buyers know exactly what they are getting.

Lower priced items no but higher than 50 yes and require everyone to post pics on anything being sold! No attachment pics

That’s a good point about dollar value.

I think pictures are an absolute must. Not only does it protect both buyers and sellers but it’s really frustrating when you’re interested in an item and have to text/email someone only to find out the item isn’t what you were looking for or in the condition you were hoping. Anyone who’s seriously trying to sell parts should know that pictures are going to make their sales 1000% more likely to happen. Not knowing how to post them or not having a PC is not, imo, a legitimate reason for them not being on a fs thread.

I am however with the other members that find pictures with your username and date to be cumbersome and annoying. I could deal with them if it becomes policy but if the option is being given to us, I would vote no. From my experience, most of the time they don’t actually cut down on scamming at all. It’s simple enough to post pictures of a part you have but simply not ship it once you’ve received payment. However if it becomes a procedure I’ll have no problem conforming, I just deem it unnecessary.

My .02

Sounds good to me

Yerp! all for it.

Pictures for all items - Yes
Username included - No

i dont think all items deserve a picture especially, supposing your doing a part out. what would the policy be if you borrow pictures from other sources or your own older ones for that matter? im down with it but all of our time is very valuable, if a pic of every item is necessary, i feel like its just something more to waste our precious time. Everyone wants to window shop but serious buyers will contact you for pictures. Also sometimes the person doesn’t want to put their stuff out there like that, we should respect each others privacy.

The username is supposed to prevent the pictures from being borrowed. The dollar value makes sense.

I’m all for it.

I think if you need to sell it then you can take half a minute to write your user name down on a piece of paper, and I think pictures are neccisarry for everything so ideas of product condition arent miscommunicated.

subtle nod of approval ensues

Great idea

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