Prelude tails concerns.

Wow, I hope that spray job is just white primer cuz it doesn’t even blend. It looks like your car is in permanent shade in the front. I hope you got your money back, cuz the conversion looks half-a**ed.

Originally posted by Racer X
who wants a pic of her posing on the car?

I want pics!

I want pics!

me 2!!!

she didnt want a hooker pose (thats what she calls the car show girls) but if you guys want one she could probly do it :stuck_out_tongue:

ya i thinka ima bitch at them today…cause this is ****…

yea… u should bitch at em… say that their work was unexceptional… and u want a refund or sumthin… then yea… iunno… take em to court… u wanted perfection!!! u paid hard earned money… and u wanted satesfaction… and didnt get it… yea…


get her to read this…

::on my knee’s::
be as naughty as ya want… :naughty:
cmon… see… im even bowing down to ya
:bowdown: :bowdown:

damn that looks weird… im sure someone could do a much better job… get your money back and btw your girl looks good :wink:

Nice idea on the tail swap, but get it done at another shop! Your girl’s fine… but get her to do another pose!!! whoo hooo!

Yeah, say you want a refund or a better job or you’ll sue. I hate to flame your car but that looks half assed to the max. The tails look tight from the direct back view though, I was going to bust that too, no dough though. Props for actually busting it! :cool:

And your girl’s pretty. :up:

BTW: Damn! Gotta love those stock flared out fenders!! :bowdown:

I dont see how whoever did that conversion could look you strait in the face, give you your keys, you give him money, and it ends up looking like that. I think Helen Keller could have done a better job than that. Did he use fiberglass/bondo to fill in the areas- cause it looks wavy as HELL like he’s never touched fiberglass before. This is a shame man I’m embarrased for you- this is one of the biggest reasons why I dont do anything such as this- you cant ever find anyone respectable and proffessional enough to do it correctly.

Sorry about your car bro- hope it sees the DA gods soon and all is well


Hi racerX.

They really did f up that conversion. I say sell the car, and buy your girlfriend something nice ;).

Your g/f has now gone international! She’s famous now. I’m in Australia. :slight_smile:


haha its all welded/bondo, and i only paid some new Si rims and my stock headlights for it…so i dont know, i think ima go bitch at them…

What do we have to do to see the pictures? No, really…I want to know.:horny:

…Or were you just teasing us.

:bowdown: :horny: :inlove: :gotpics: I want PICS of your girl!

haha, ill convince her, dont worry…i talked to the guy who did my talights today and he said he heard about me talking **** about his work and i told him straight up that it looked like **** and needed to be majorly touched up. so i guess im bringing it back in on monday…i aint paying a dime more…

Hey guys, I’ll put on some whore clothes and take some pics for ya very soon! :wink:

oh yeah! Do it today! I love half naked or naked girls on tegs. They make me get all googlie eyed.:naughty:

Please post pics, the local animal shelter just called with about a dozen kittens for me to kill :smiley:



here you go boyz…

dont kill to many kittens…