quick pcv Q

everyone DOES do it? I dont, 75% of track cars I see dont have your setup.
And the endyne catch can is completely different…
its a catch can, its not all the blowby and BS trying to escape through one tiny ass hole which ALL of it wont.

and as far as ruining the enviorment, I dont think the small percentage of automobiles running around like him are doing anything as far as polluting the enviorment, and shit. Im gunna live the shit outta gasoline boostage machines as fucking much as i can till its gay electric Bs.

rcracin13 :frowning: wrong

Exhaust slash cut is by far going to show you the best result. I built my own system a few years back for my Sentra.

That is the basic layout of the system I used. The exhaust system output line was connected post cat so the vacuum was maximized.