Rocklin CA 5.29.05

last time we drove the grapevine (few weeks ago) it was foggy, hehe. i was going around everyone because people down there dont know how to drive in the fog, damn rookies!

btw its fun to shift with the steering wheel :giggle:

ypu…thas BS Alan…I drove my car to LA a couple times, and my car did fine…

wow u guys all have sexy ass cars, hope u guys come down to the SOCAL meets! …

i did…im still here… till tonight… haha

i like the silver teg with the type r lip and the red dubs. What kind of side skirt is that?

wings west side skirts.

could you guys believe these pictures are still up? haha



just look at some of the things…

my DA was still LHD and skeet skeet, Felix had his white car, Mike’s car is as clean as ever even back in '05; 5 lug, clean paint, cf hood & hatch w/ fal glass, Austin’s aztec green DB2 before the paint job, but still currently still on the same curbed wheels! someone had window visors on. Jesse had just came up from SoCal for this meet, and Erwin’s car still looks great in these pics too.

wow totally forgot about these pics.

i bet alot of cars have changes since these pics and prob some not even around no more

bump because this meet was so cool!

5 possibly 7 are still around.

Tegboi, PlatinumG2, 90DA_R, Evoinfinity still has theres…

Mine isn’t quite gone but sold to another G2IC member… I think Mark/Tina (G2Tegra) sold theres to a G2IC member to (am i right?)… And I think the white one with volks is still with the owner.

That meet was cool…:rockon:

Mark doesn’t exist anymore.

Anyway- um we sold the car to a friend, and he sold it to someone who may be a member on here. His brother contacted me recently for information on the modifications done to the car. The owner was pulled over and sent to a smog ref… the cops finally found the b20 hidden in my tegs since 2003. So they dropped a b18a1 in it…

Ah, Sorry to hear Tina :(.

Sucks for the new owner of the DA to… So i guess it’s not around anymore.

hey tina! how’ve u been?

I am very surprised this thread is still around. That was a fun meet for sure.

I ended up selling my car to another G2IC member. His name is acuracer. He still has the car, and has done some different things to it, but as far as I know it is still running strong in LA.


Good to see all the OG’s posting in this thread 4 years and 5 months later. :slight_smile:

Looking at the new G2IC gatherings… It’s not what it used to be. :frowning:


Looking at the new G2IC gatherings… It’s not what it used to be. :([/QUOTE]

X2…pretty big difference. Ahhh the good ol’ days.