Sad times

Mags marked up 500%, “black rifles” sold out EVERYWHERE except via private sellers, which are marked up 200-300% and slim chance of any being available before an AWB passes, if it does.

Mark, got any lying around you’d be willing to part with? Preferably something in 7.62

Wow, I knew there would be price gouging but I didn’t think it would be that ridiculous.

I doubt the AWB will pass. Maybe I just hope it wont.
As for the other things, welcome to CA!

And here I was trying to find an ar15 or at least a lower receiver to put one together… I was gonna try my luck at the gunshot next week… I guess we’ll see

man all this stuff is driving me nuts… I have no political side anymore, but this obama guy is great at finding shiny objects to dangle in fromnt of his loyalist followers…

Saddest part of all this is that what he is trying to ban makes up a seriously small fraction of the stuff actually doing the killing…

I have no weapons that I own or care to own, but do believe in our second amendment rights to bear arms and form militias… Saddest part is all these wingnuts forget that after the last AWB was lifted there was a dramatic decreas in assaults and shootings of us common folk… no matter what these political jackwads do to “get guns off the street” or ban them outright… idiots will still find ways to get em and use em… John Q public will just have less recourse to combat the idjit weilding an ak47 smuggled up from mexico…

guns are a tool… people are the issue…

ok done ranting… just have seen soooo much to do at the front of the headlines about banning guns it has been making me crazy LOL

What’s worse is that the Sandy Hook shooting wasn’t even done with an “assault weapon”, it was handguns. They showed live on TV the cops removing the AR-15 from the guy’s trunk AFTER the shooting/suicide, making it impossible to have been used, but “Assault weapon” is such a good buzz word that they kept using it in the media and the Obama administration knows it can use this opportunity to try and pass an AWB.


a month ago you could get a 20 or 30 round magazine for $20. Now they’re going for $100-200 a piece!

at least you’re not deployed and unable to buy anything that’s considered a firearm.

have had several opportunities to buy stripped ar-15 lowers at normal pre-panic prices…but can’t.

just remember, our politicians who have armed security 24/7 and who put their kids in $80k/year private schools with ARMED SECURITY know what’s best, and we don’t need guns. they’re just too dangerous in the hands of anyone not protecting the lives of elitist hypocrites.

Hmmm maybe I should just wait till’ this all blows over and demand crashes before I even attempt to buy something. I honestly doubt that they’ll ban anything else. They’ll probably come up with some sort of registration system. I know I shouldn’t say this but I’ll live with it if I must. Just worried about what our state will do after.

registration is illegal per existing law. states will definitely pass shit…look at NY and (soon to be) MD, among others.

federally…i think they’ll be lucky to get much out of it, especially since NBC is now reporting the ACTUAL TRUTH that no long guns were used at Sandy Hook…the so-called “assault rifle” everyone was claiming was responsible was left in his trunk.

eventually, demand will subside and parts will begin to flood the market again. i was just hoping to at least get a couple more lowers just in case they manage to eek something stupid through…which I know they’re going to do in MD. maybe when I go home to Iowa on R&R/leave I can snag another 5.56 lower or two and the Mega .308 upper/lower matched set I’ve been eyefucking. Brownell’s isn’t too far from my house there. :slight_smile:

I found a place that’s selling stripped ar15 composite lower receivers for $90… Might try to go grab one on the weekend. Maybe they’ll still have some available.

Edit: I just found out it’s an FMK patriot. I was able to put one on hold till’ next Saturday (guess they don’t open this Saturday) this place has them in stock too but for a bit more:

I bought a ton of 223 ammo and some high capacity magazines for the AR and my 96 on the Monday after that bullshit happened.

they’re not high-capacity magazines, they’re standard-capacity. if police and military consider them the standard issue item, then it’s the standard capacity. high-capacity is another journalist’s word to try and scare people into wanting to ban them.

I can agree with your statement for the AR mags , but not for the Beretta. I bought the 96 during the tiime the Bradey bill was in affect. All a normal non law enforcement owner could get was a 10 round mag. After the bill was lifted you could by beretta’s 13 round mag. There is nothing standard issuse about a 15 or 20 round mag for for the Beretta 96.

96 is just a .40-cal version of the 92.

which is the m9 service pistol.

which is standard with 15-rounders.


The highest capacity flush fit mag for the 96 is 13 rounds. The 40 bullet has a larger diameter than a 9. The 15 round mags protrude a half inch out of the frame of the pistol and are Aftermarket mfg by Meggar.

13 is the standard capacity though. a 10-round mag is limited-capacity. :wink:

So I went and bought 2 lowers. Should be picking them up in 11 days I guess. Anyone want one??

You know they actually staged the sandy hook shootings just to help pass the laws? They faked it! Look it up on youtube they did it just to make people freak out and want stricter gun laws. What a country we live in!

Seriously??? Wow to that.