Teggy Madness.

Thanks Carl, always appreciated coming from a guy with such good taste. :slight_smile:

THanks bro, I cant wait either. Really exited to see what this setup is capable of. Interested in how its going to sound @ idle.

Nice. :slight_smile: Feelin the love Glynn.

Here is the finished valve cover. I think it came out pretty good. Used some VHT wrinkle paint and some time in the oven. Waiting on the catch can to come in and some other misc. parts. Also got the Hondata 4 bar map sensor in today plus the flex section for the exhaust.

is that thing still not in yet :smiley:

So i looked through this whole thread and noticed you did he manual rack conversionā€¦

How do you like it?? That swap is very close to next on my list and wanted some feedback. Also what tie rods did you use? I assume they are teg ones? Also did you get an SI rack or normal ef?

[QUOTE=da6YO;2250811]So i looked through this whole thread and noticed you did he manual rack conversionā€¦

How do you like it?? That swap is very close to next on my list and wanted some feedback. Also what tie rods did you use? I assume they are teg ones? Also did you get an SI rack or normal ef?[/QUOTE]

I got mine out of an EF DX i believe. I love it but I donā€™t daily it either. I would go with an SI rack if your able to get your hands on one. My brothers old DA actually has a SI rack and I remember that thing had a crazy turning radius. I bought new inner outer tie rods for 90-93 Integra off of Ebay.

Went to a dyno day to see what the GSR puts down. Pretty happy with what it put down on a shitty map.
Getting ready for new Timing belt, Water pump, Tensioner, aftermarket IM, ITR cams, Valve springs and retainers, and a nice tune.

not to shaby :up:

So you replaced the inner tie rods with DA ones also? Is that something that HAS to be done?

I was planning on buying a rebuilt SI rack since it comes with new ones, but if I need to replace them anyways Iā€™d go used.

they are the same broā€¦inner and outter tie rodsā€¦cheapest way to go is to buy a rack from a junkyard $40 bucksā€¦buy ebay inner outter tie rods and ball joints off ebay $50 bucksā€¦new boots from a guy off ebay are 10 each $20 dollars and suspension grease $5 bucks take it all apart re grease itā€¦put the inners on and new boots you got yourself a new rack

put the outters on after you get it on the car makes the install alot easier

also better if you go through a junkyard because you get the rack bushings and dont forget the bracket you will need it

Didnā€™t realize I wrote in this thread lol and yes they have lots of those lips here I just got one on the weekend at my local yard. Mustā€™ve had 15 94+ accords sitting there, gunna go back for side skirts and mud flaps in the summer. Most recent pic of the db1 looks good man.

Well thatā€™s the perfect response! Thank you. I was trying to stay away from doing inner ass I never have and I keep reading that they are a pain. Is this not really the case with the manual rack?

Nice number Fares! Especially considering they are above 5000ft in altitude. So mine should be around 130-140 by how hard you pilled on me with a passenger in your car :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the info regarding the rack. I am going to refresh the suspension soon and was wondering which tie rods to get. And yes the SI rack in Rabiā€™s old DA does have a crazy turning radius, I love it!

Keep up the good work guys.

You shouldnā€™t feel too much difference in the turning radius of an SI rack considering itā€™s turns lock to lock are still more than the power DA rack. Only a 1/4 turn, but regardlessā€¦I just think all new inner/outer tie rods make that much of a difference.

Unless he has a quick ratioā€¦in which case leads me to the questionā€¦Does anyone daily a quick ratio rack? Seems like it would be really sensitive and annoying to drive everydayā€¦

Thanks Glynn.

While you guys where finishing that catch canā€¦http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE07SKSuMnA&feature=youtu.be

[QUOTE=Deceptakhan;2251179]Nice number Fares! Especially considering they are above 5000ft in altitude. So mine should be around 130-140 by how hard you pilled on me with a passenger in your car :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the info regarding the rack. I am going to refresh the suspension soon and was wondering which tie rods to get. And yes the SI rack in Rabiā€™s old DA does have a crazy turning radius, I love it!

Keep up the good work guys.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, bro. Yea I kinda figured thats where it was on the HP/TQ. Getting it ready for a REfresh soon. Will have fun with Rabs car in the meantime.

:giggle: what did you just stick the gopro to the headlight?? :rockon:

Hells yea. right to the one piece. You know how we do.

Making sure everything is good.
