The Great Cam Chart

admin plz move if you feel it necessary

A lot of information is floating around on these boards about cams. Sure, we all hear about the Crower 403s…alot. There are also some companies out there who do not really “expose” their information as we’d like them to. This chart is to help some of our members compare cams without having to search hundreds of websites. As for where to buy them…I’m not too aware of MANY places…after searching for “cams” in the search option I realized Summit does along w/ some independent online companies, but there aren’t much. The main reason I’m trying to get this going is because I myself am in search of cams. A few of my choices were the Crower 402s, the jg 301s, the Gude stage Is and the Crane stage Is. I want to keep it light (not requiring valvetrain upgrades) and ya know, I’m only expecting 15 or so whp tuned, nothing spectacular. So…without further babbling, here comes the chart…

  1. Stock B18B Cams
    Duration: 220 / 222
    Lift: .395 / .380

  2. Gude Stage I (235235F)
    Duration: 228/228
    Lift: 0.41 / 0.41
    RPM Range: idle (roughly 750 R.P.M.) to 7500 R.P.M.
    Powerband: 3600 R.P.M. to 7500 R.P.M.
    Springs/Retainers: NOT required

  3. Crane Cams Stage I (ACU-257-2S-11)
    Duration: 257 / 263
    Lift: .400 / .388
    RPM Range: idle to 6500 R.P.M.
    Powerband: mid R.P.M. to 6500 R.P.M.
    Springs/Retainers: Works well with stock valvetrain, fresh valvesprings are recommended

  4. Crane Cams Stage II (ACU-261-2S-9)
    Duration: 261 / 267
    Lift: .400 / .388
    RPM Range: 1000 R.P.M. to 7000 R.P.M.
    Powerband: mid R.P.M. to 7000 R.P.M.
    Springs/Retainers: Works well with stock valvetrain, fresh valvesprings are recommended

  5. Crower 402
    Duration: 233 / 245
    Lift: .414 / .399
    RPM Range: idle to 7500 R.P.M.
    Springs/Retainers: no kit recommended

  6. Crower 403
    Duration: 243 / 246
    Lift: .423 / .409
    RPM Range: 1000 R.P.M. to 8000+ R.P.M.
    Springs/Retainers: Crower recommends set 84162 which includes Crower’s dual springs and titanium retainers

  7. Toda A
    Duration: 250 / 240
    Lift: 11.6mm / 11.2mm
    SPEC A 220 (6.0) - 290 (11.6) - 240 (9.0)
    IN Type-R* $460
    220 (5.5) - 280 (11.2) - 240 (8.5)
    EX Type-R* $460

  8. Jun Type 1
    Duration: 265.3 / 268
    Lift: 10.9mm / 10.0mm

  9. ITR
    Duration: 240 / 235
    Lift: 11.5mm / 10.5mm

  10. CTR
    Duration: 243 / 235
    Lift: 11.5mm / 10.5mm

  11. Colt Street Grind
    Duration: ___________
    Lift: _________
    (someone wanna help fill that in? I know I’ve seen a lot of requests for those measurements, thnx)

  12. Toda B
    SPEC B 250 (11.0) - 295 (12.0) - 250 (11.0)
    IN TODA Valve Spring Kit $490
    250 (11.0) - 285 (12.0) - 250 (11.0)
    EX TODA Valve Spring Kit $490

  13. Toda C
    SPEC C 250 (11.0) - 295 (12.5) - 250 (11.0)
    IN TODA Valve Spring Kit $550
    250 (11.0) - 295 (12.5) - 250 (11.0)
    EX TODA Valve Spring Kit $550

  14. JG 301
    274 deg duration intake
    268 deg duration exhaust
    .410’’ lift intake
    .390’’ lift exhaust
    Valve clearance .007 intake and .009 exhaust

…This chart is obviously not complete. I’m hoping more of you would be willing to throw in the specs that are listed up here. I know of the Colt Cams, JG Cams and the Comp Cams and cannot seem to find their specs. Also, places to purchase these cams would be VERY useful. Please do not type archive this until we have a larger sum of information posted up here and the page actually is useful. TIA.

Stew :up:

Originally posted by XDEep
[B]toda A’s
intake lift: 11.6mm, duration: 250@1mm
exhaust lift: 11.2mm, duration: 240@1mm

jun type 1
intake lift: 10.9mm, duration: 265.3@1mm
exhaust lift: 10.0mm, duration: 268@1mm

intake lift: 11.58mm, duration 252@1mm
exhaust lift: 10.9mm, duration 249@1mm

crower 63403
intake lift: 11.98mm, duration: 246@1mm
exhaust lift: 11.83mm, duration: 238@1mm

intake lift: 11.5mm, duration: 240@1mm
exhaust lift: 10.5mm, duration: 235@1mm

intake lift: 11.5, duration: 243@1mm
exhaust lift: 10.5mm, duration: 235@1mm

i have the other toda, jun, and spoon specs if you want them [/B]

you forgot how much $$$ they cost. :smiley:

SWEET man, when I get home from school I’ll add those to the chart…any more guys? :smiley:

Stew :up:

Colt Cams “Street Grind”, b series non-vtec.

262 Duration
.423 Lift

Is that on both intake and exhaust cams? Thnx.

Stew :up:

No, that was kind of off the top of my head, I’ll have to check the invoice at home…



this is from TODA’s NA website:

SPEC A 220 (6.0) - 290 (11.6) - 240 (9.0)
IN Type-R* $460
220 (5.5) - 280 (11.2) - 240 (8.5)
EX Type-R* $460

SPEC B 250 (11.0) - 295 (12.0) - 250 (11.0)
IN TODA Valve Spring Kit $490
250 (11.0) - 285 (12.0) - 250 (11.0)
EX TODA Valve Spring Kit $490

SPEC C 250 (11.0) - 295 (12.5) - 250 (11.0)
IN TODA Valve Spring Kit $550
250 (11.0) - 295 (12.5) - 250 (11.0)
EX TODA Valve Spring Kit $550


:bow: (NOOB)

Re: The Great Cam Chart

Originally posted by kidenrge
[B]admin plz move if you feel it necessary

  1. Gude Stage I (235235F)
    Duration: 228/228
    Lift: 0.41 / 0.41
    RPM Range: idle (roughly 750 R.P.M.) to 7500 R.P.M.
    Powerband: 3600 R.P.M. to 7500 R.P.M.
    Springs/Retainers: NOT required

I’ve never heard anything about these cams. How much hp would i get out of them…I’m thinking in the neighborhood of 6-10 hp, but not sure. Would these require any tuning, or would they run fine without tuning?

Hardly anything on this list would run fine w/out tuning (i.e. gears/fpr/v or s-afc/etc…) unless you get real lucky and guess the good combination for your gears.

Stew :up:


Someone posted this a while back…

I found this on another board and thought it may be useful here. The author of the info is at the bottom of the thread.

Honda OEM and Aftermarket B-Series VTEC Cam Shaft Chart:

Cams Measured at 1mm of lift:
Integra Type-R(Through 1999 Spec)
Int-240 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-235 dur. / 10.5mm lift

Civic Type-R And Integra Type-R(Integra Type R 2000/01 Spec)
Int-243 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-235 dur. / 10.5mm lift

Skunk2 Stage 1
Int-252 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-249 dur. / 10.8mm lift

JUN Type 1
Int-265 dur. / 10.9mm lift
Exh-268 dur. / 10.0mm lift

Spoon Sports
Int-256 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-245 dur. / 11.1mm lift

JUN Type 2
Int-267 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-265 dur. / 10.9mm lift

Skunk2 Stage 2
Int-266 dur. / 12.3mm lift
Exh-262 dur. / 11.8mm lift

JUN Type 3
Int-265 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-265 dur. / 11.5mm lift

Skunk2 Stage 3
Int-270 dur. / 12.8mm lift
Exh-279 dur. / 11.8mm lift

Cams Measured with 0mm of lift:
Civic Si(1999 Spec)
Int-265 dur. / 10.5mm lift
Exh-267 dur. / 9.6mm lift

Integra GS-R
Int-274 dur. / 10.7mm lift
Exh-276 dur. / 9.6mm lift

Crower 400
Int-279 dur. / 10.7mm lift
Exh-280 dur. / 9.6mm lift

Civic Type-R And Integra Type-R(Integra Type R 2000/01 Spec)
Int-278 dur. / 11.5mm lift
Exh-280 dur. / 10.5mm lift

Crower 401(NA Version)
Int-282 dur. / 11.3mm lift
Exh-277 dur. / 10.5mm lift

Crower 401-T(Forced Induction Version)
Int-280 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-276 dur. / 11.3mm lift

Toda Spec A
Int-290 dur. / 11.6mm lift
Exh-280 dur. / 11.2mm lift

Crower 402(Both Regular 402 and 402-A, 402-A is milder off VTEC)
Int-297 dur. / 11.8mm lift
Exh-287 dur. / 11.8mm lift

Toda Spec B
Int-295 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-285 dur. / 12.0mm lift

Crower 403
Int-295 dur. / 12.0mm lift
Exh-293 dur. / 11.8mm lift

Toda Spec C
Int-295 dur. / 12.5mm lift
Exh-295 dur. / 12.5mm lift

Sam’s Rank from “Mildest to Wildest”(not Including Crower 401 Turbo and Crower 402-A):
Civic Si
Integra GS-R
Crower 400
Integra/Civic Type-R
Crower 401
Skunk2 Stage 1
JUN Type 1
Toda Spec A
Spoon Sports
JUN Type 2
Crower 402
Skunk2 Stage 2
Toda Spec B
JUN Type 3
Crower 403
Skunk2 Stage 3
Toda Spec C

Sources and Thanks: <> for OEM and Crower Cams <> for Toda Cams
Shawn at <> for Spoon Sports and Skunk2 Cams
Dave at <> for JUN and OEM cams

JG 301 specs

Here are the JG 301 specs off of the JG website

[b]301 cams

274 deg duration intake
268 deg duration exhaust

.410’’ lift intake
.390’’ lift exhaust

Valve clearance .007 intake and .009 exhaust.[/b]


yeah, as matt added, i was going to say that the ITR 00-01 spec have the same lift/duration profile as the CTR’s.


Hey BR, have you been on a dyno yet? I was just wondering what the kind of power those 301’s were adding and are you running on a stock valvetrain.

Originally posted by mosier
Hey BR, have you been on a dyno yet? I was just wondering what the kind of power those 301’s were adding and are you running on a stock valvetrain.
Nope, no dyno yet. I dont even know if I will be dynoing this engine anyway now. I just may never know…

I am running on stock valvetrain however, but I will be chipping my ECU this week and revving to 7500rpm with it like this. I know that the stock vavletrain should be able to handle that, and if not I have a garage full of LS engine parts :smiley:

If I can get some dyno time I will do it with this setup and post up the details. I have a friend who’s dad owns a dyno so I might just ask for a favor.


What are you planning on putting in, in place of you LS engine?

Originally posted by mosier
What are you planning on putting in, in place of you LS engine?
:roll: That is top secret information that your prodding at :smiley:
Only a select few on this board will know what I am building until the day that it is unveiled. Sorry, but your gonna have to wait…


dont forget about toda Vtec killer CAMS

Originally posted by asasn
dont forget about toda Vtec killer CAMS

uhhh. I guess you could add those but who here is really going to use those :confused: those things are monsters!!! not very practical unless you have no concerns for street durability
