The Oil Sending Unit.......

Is this what would let me know if my oil was low? Would this be the device that would make my RED Warning Oil Dash Light turn on? I am asking because there was a wire that was not hooked up to my Oil Sending Unit after the T was placed for my Turbo…

Just in case that freekin T breaks again I would like to have some warning that I am low on Oil…Just until I can have the T done the correct way…Thanks for any input on this…

thats what it is there for, but from what i understand by the time it goes off, its too late, i think you are better off buying an oil pressure gauge

Wow…I think I’ll look into getting one like tomorrow…Thanks…

And then the Oil Pressure Guage will go hooked up to that then?

if the line is disconnected from the back of it…NO LIGHT WILL GO ON - EVAARRR

basically…that unit senses pressure from oil pressure and that pressure holds a switch open…as soon as there isnt enough pressure to hold the switch open, it closes and connects that wire to ground.

Oh, thanks…xenocron…

So is that were I would connect the Oil Pressure Guage? And what would be the normal Oil reading on an Oil Guage in my case?

I am going out today to buy one…I did connect that wire to the end of the Oil Sending Unit again…I should some how test it out to see if it is working properly…Like connect it to ground or chasey…I am thinking that the Oil Pressure Guage may not go there cuase of the ground signal…

you need an extra oil port for the oil pressure gauge so you can have the stock sending unit and the oil gauge

you dont need stock sending unit… Xenocro n is right tho i disconnected mine for a while and had the sensor just there to plug where my guage was soon to be… o and I have heard a buncha horror stories about the aluminum ear wherer the sending unit plugs into breaking off with the weight of all the lines/gauge…
Try to remote mount it its the best way and the safe way…
I mean a gauge is good device to tell u whats going on but why not try and prevent it…

i hope you dont have a T where the oil sensor goes for your feed line… if you are i highly recomend you get a greddy or golden eagle sandwich plate and run your feed of that… i learned the hard way after my T broke inside my block… which was a pain in the a*** to remove… juss a tip 4 ya…

here’s what I did to mine in order to keep the stock pressure sender and the aftermarket one:

It’s easier than you think just buy another 3 connector T fitting, 1 male and 2 females aka Threesome fitting.

i did something similar to run the turbo’s oil feed, ran a line to the firewall and mounted the tee there. this prevents vibration from breaking the tee off. (its the one with the braided stainless lines going to it in the picture)

sorry looks like the picture didnt wanna post let me try again (i = sux at teh interweb)

WOW…Thanks for the pics…Much help there…I will see what I can do…Much appreciated…Mine looks flimzy compared to these pics…LOL…

2highpsi…wow your hoses are huge kid…Were can I get some hoses like that…I need one for the Oil return and for the oil feed… And then the fittings…Thanks…