Thinkin about the old days..

I spend more on inventory in one year than you make in 6. And that is just inventory…

“mmmmmm! god damn jimmy this some serious gourmet shit. Me and Vincent would have be satisfied with some freeze dried taster’s choice. Right? And he springs this serious gourmet shit on us.”

Is the dick measuring really necessary? I mean honestly … I would win anyway.

oh it totally is. Usually by this time someone is screaming “YANKEE WHITE!”.

Neil you always wins, you and only you swing the ban hammer.

I forgot he has POTUS clearance as do the guys in the background in ABU’s and no armour on. Lol. The shots of the inside of the base do actually present an actually serious OPSEC violation for him. The stuff OTW not so much as long as it isnt classified nor showing routine movement down specific routes that are routinely traveled.

I mean come on, ferret is too easy to make fun for someone that knows what he does. From an outsiders view in the pics are cool, but none are OTW and also the reason is “OPSEC” well the ITW is worse than OTW by alot. Shit I just mess with him because it too easy to ruffle his fur.

[QUOTE=armedferret;2284032]Actually I’ve posted a few OTW photos…although lots of photos and videos are poor OPSEC. Then again, knowing your track record when you were in, you wouldn’t know much about that. :giggle:

Not to mention your immense history of deployments…oh wait, that’s right, you never set foot inside either combat zone country, just like the rest of the chickenshits. :up:

maybe if you’d been able to make rank beyond E-4 you’d feel differently. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I think this applies for my locations, one from baghdad back in '05, and goes along with the thread title. Do you even have anything with this uniform? I really dont want to break out my old external hard drives from back then…

J/k, neil you know I am just breaking his balls right.

remember all the fake racing crews we made to make fun of posers? good times!

Sure do and I’m actually doing work instead of sitting in a leather recliner:


BWHAAAAAA!!! I spy a escort sash, everyone knows the type of person that gets sent on that shit detail in the desert. For everyones info, the escorts are unarmed and escort anyone from the TCN’s (Third Country Nationals) that drive the honey bucket sucker to watching over the TCN’s doing construction, to the TCN’s working in the dining facility. The people that get sent on this crapttastic detail are the ones the shop back home doesnt want around and needs a break from. Anyone can be a escort, from a cook to a plumber. Freakin Lulz… I just about pissed myself. This pic is a true Testemant of what Marks coworkers and boss thinks of him.

That pic of me in the recliner was what was at the other end of the banana phone call you made, hence your facial expressions.

[QUOTE=armedferret;2271466]9-line bananavac.


Here is how mark took it when he found it he was going to be doing escort duty

Escorts HUAH, sitting in my fold out chair watching TCN’s work!!! Ah the life…


Actually they asked for volunteers to deploy at a commander’s call; nobody was tasked with anything. Three of us jumped at the opportunity. Sure it was easy. Granted, it wasn’t leather recliner easy or anything…

BTW, feel free to show your receipts for nearly half a million in inventory. :up:

not like ur paying for it…i knew u were a paper pusher…i called it a long time ago…and now i know ur unarmed guard…bwwahahah this iced my cake on the “armedferret” LOLz i have all the time

That bananaphone picture is awesome!!!


BTW, feel free to show your receipts for nearly half a million in inventory. :up:[/QUOTE]

Your honestly saying that you make as a E-5 $85k a year? You have got to be one of the most prolific liars I have ever met. Holy LMAO. According to DFAS current Jan 1st 2013 pay tables, you only gross $2707.05 w/o a dependent. We will just round up to $3.5k to be generous for the wife, but $3.5k x 12 months is only $42k. After taxes say around $40k, mind you that is being generous.

So now $85k - $40k = $45k missing. Are you honestly stating you make $45k in BAS and BAH. I honestly hope you treat only the interwebs as your fairy tale land and not real life… But then again you being sent to do TCN duty makes perfect sense. I guess grammar was your only strong suit in school…

I spend only right around $200k a year at business costco and cash and carry, so I guess your fake “half a mil” beats my real $200k. Then another $40k or so on coffee beans. Not even getting into labor or property. Lol.

BAS, BAH, (combined is approx. 2200/month) and my side income as a cleared contractor at about $30/hour.

And thats why you drive a 350z and I have a 370z… You are making the big money. :giggle:

no, i just didn’t feel like spending a bunch of money that would be lost in 2 years due to depreciation. you enjoy your millions, coffee baron. :rofl:

That is what everyone says when they cant afford something… You are full of excuses arent ya. You supposedly make over $7k a month and cant afford a $700 car payment? Smells fishey… :shrug:

Instead of a 370, you should have bought a skyline. THEN you’d have a big ol’ thing to swing…oh probably not because getting into a pissing match over money is about as shallow and as juvenile as one can be. Just agree to disagree and leave it at that. If not then by all means, continue being childish :wink:

<---------knows nothing about the old days€

^ we’re too “new” as '06 joiners to know the 'ol days.

the fuck happened here?!:gayfight::shrug::salute: