Trailing arm bushing development.

FWIW, I’ve got those exact TAs on my RS and haven’t had any issues(at least that I know of).
Duy, are the bushings in?

I should know today, Nino. Darrin’s been pretty busy.

Nino, it was jon who had problems so i guess it differs, but from the post on honda-tech, i didn’t like what i read about what could happen if the bushings happen to “ever” bind, just being on the safe side, might as well go with stock, not saying they suck


I stopped by West End yesterday and saw one DA trailing arm complete with an EF/DC Mugen bushing installed. He had to take some material off the DA sleeve and even then the DC bushing was a tight fit. I’ll post pictures when I pick them up. I can’t wait :slight_smile:

Hey Arman,
I know it was Jon’s arms. That’s who I got mine from. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t wait to see the pics.

Thanx for reminding me…

DA . OEM ta bushings are here… :wink:

So d00d didn’t need to weld the Mugen bushings into the DA TA bushings? That would be a step that’d I’d like to skip if at all possible. :slight_smile:

He said that the press was so tight, the bushing will pull out of the trailing arm before it pulls out of the DA sleeve.

wow, so it work’s w/o too much modification, and no welding :slight_smile: Thats great duy!

duy, hurry with them pics! :up:

Put me on the list Scott. How many did you get?

8- Sold a set already… so now 6… = 3 sets.

2 sets left, im gonna get one today with my check :smiley:

So what are you gonna do with your Prothane total kit??


What are you gonna do with yours? lol

scott, thanks for the parts and beer again, but i forgot to give you my injectors :frowning:

o yeah… shit…

and anytime on the parts and beer.

its my life.

Scott, YGM.


Part# 52385-SK7-N02 is DEFINITELY a DA TA Bushing?

I can get them here in Jersey as well…just want to be sure. And if it really is…why is it a Honda Part#???


How much are these DA bushings? And would the install be significantly easier than the Mugens? I can probably order some up out here.

  1. List is $57 ea. They press right in/out of your old arm.

  2. They are def. the right part number,
    I’ve already sold 2 sets to some ind. honda specialists around the area.

  3. I have no Clue what they would fit on Hondas side, exept maybe a del sol… It will not tell me, nor is there a parts bulletin on it like the civic bushings.