Treasure Island 7.16.05

yep, we shoulda tied you up and said we kidnapped you, then sold you for someone’s teg… :slight_smile:

HAHAHA… You wouldnt get much outta me.

Probably could sell me to some crack whore, Or one of those old ladys that were driving around for $5 :hmm:

Oh, and rope wouldnt be needed… I had the child safety locks on… I was going to play a prank on Amar cuz we were going to ride in my car… so you coulda just DUCT TAPED the trunk shut and closed the back doors and im stuck :giggle:

hey i like those scatterd pix… :rockon:

wow looks like some good clean fun, too bad I didnt show up for smh time:)

What scattered pictures???.. 2 people said they liked the scattered… My scattered or CasperGSR’s scattered?

Edit: NVM, CasperGSR’s scattered pic, Is on another thread… So of course mine :), Everyone better like them, I litterally ran and yelled at kevin “DONT MOVE!” to take that picture… Oh man my fat ass ran… i think i pulled something :giggle:

Yea i was hoping to get the final enitiation (sp?)

yea I was busy until 12noon then it started gettin hot I wasnt feeling drivin all the way too treasure island. oh well perhaps next time :slight_smile:

Thanks Steve.

I hear you. I work retail too…but I got lucky and had the day off. :slight_smile:

Yeah, the scattered shots were pretty cool. Maybe get a whole mess of tegs scattered next time. :cool:

hey! hands were dirty, i needed the hand sanitizer…i was cookin…!!..:)…

yea… so alan did really run up, yelled “DONT MOVE!!” like, 3 times… hahaha, then yuri was sitting there like… KEVIN! MOVE!.. and damn did alan run… he ran like, a third the speed i did when i was playing tag… hahahahaha

still a good run alan :wink:

you need to excersize more if you pulled something… :slight_smile:

Yea that pic was perfect. I just couldnt get a wide enough picture to fit everyone in. Sorry guys.

to bad i had a 5th :wink: when was Alan yelling DONT MOVE?

HAHA that was Alan’s bloody burger HAHA ill post more later got to do an 5 page essay. :gunright:

MMMM blooody :drool: , No wonder why it tasted soo good with only afew condiments :drool:

so since a few of you guys expressed intrest in buying my faded yellow ass one pieces why dont we start the opening bid at $105 hahhahahah. common john, and alan i kno you guys want this.

john will take it
or esle ill take it

How badly yellow are they?
I’ll take it.

it was a great meet…loved it even though i came late…good to get together with a group of g2ic peeps…but you know what? next time i need to bring my bbq…propane…cook more and a lot faster…and we gotta bring some ladies…or just more friends…and turn it into a real party…i mean if that “dj” and the 3 kids next to us could have a good time…then we could too…haha

austin i’ll give you 120 for em, do you have a pic of them