what parts make a complete nitrous wet kit?

hello. i bought a used nitrouse express wet kit about a year ago. it has a few lines, bottle, some wiring, i think a solenoid, etc. i havent looked at it in a few weeks/months. basically, i didnt get instructions or anything with it. how exactly does this kit work, and what parts do i need?

im not to knowledgeable on nitro but u might want to post how big a shot ur running and some things to consider would be a fuel pump…waht to do for fuel manangement… a rpm window switch … full throttle switch

its a full throttle switch that ties into the tps sensor. its a 75 shot. i just need to know what parts i need for the wet kit to work properly.

feed hose from the bottle
some way to tap the fuel line
2 solinoids one fuel one nitrous
1 line from fuel to fuel solinoid
1 line from the nitrous solinoid to the nozzle
1 line from the fuel solinoid to the nozzle
some sort relay
a tps switch
bottle and brackets
and a couple of fittings

one of these is close probally close to your kit