what's a good-sized turbo for b16?

hey i am planning to buy a b16 swap pretty soon here and i am wondering what size turbo would be good on this engine? i was going to turbo my b18a, but i think it’s got a few too many miles to risk it. i want a turbo that will be fully spooled before vtec engages, but also one that rips on the top end. any suggestions? anyone got a turbo b16? i think at least one person does…

Re: what’s a good-sized turbo for b16?

Originally posted by jschmitt
hey i am planning to buy a b16 swap pretty soon here and i am wondering what size turbo would be good on this engine? i was going to turbo my b18a, but i think it’s got a few too many miles to risk it. i want a turbo that will be fully spooled before vtec engages, but also one that rips on the top end. any suggestions? anyone got a turbo b16? i think at least one person does…

Why don’t you just built your B18 instead of spending that money on the B16. Anyways, I would recomend a Garrett T3/T4 like mines :smiley:

He needs to know more than just T3/T4 though. I think he’s wondering about what specific trims sizes.

jschmitt, have you checked out www.highaltitudeimports.com yet?

yeah…i was going to build my b18 because i think it would be a much better engine to really make a lot of power on (with a turbo), but mine has over 190,000 miles and i am paranoid…i would rather have an engine with 30-40,000 miles.

i was planning to use a .48/.57 trim garrett t3/t4 with the b18a, but i think one that flows more cfms on the top end would be better for a vtec engine.