Where do i get charge pipes!!!!

I still want these.

as do i… but the owner has not gotten back to me.

This thread isn’t working to well. :worry:

That’s odd. I never received a reply from you on my G2IC account. (I did receive one on my hotmail, which is my personal account). Anyway I’m all for getting more products for G2’s. Feel free to go for it.

We’ve had many calls/emails as of late concerning this topic. I ws contacted over on d-series.org by 90db1t linkin me to this thread (thanks). I’ve definitely taken a step in the direction as far as getting this particular kit a regularly produced item for those who are interested. We’ve done a few but never kept a copy to build a jig for. I’ll send a PM to the moderator here about sponsorship/vendor info before posting any morer info (hate to get banned after one post).
Again, the 90-93 kit will be a regular item w/ the growing demand (cold sides only and full kits)

(to answer a question brought up earlier, no the 90-93 Integra and 88-91 Civic coldside pipe does not interchange, the Integra is quite a bit longer from the TB to the hole behind the headlight)


Hope yo do start selling these im about to start my turbo set up and been having problems finding these. Also I got two other people interested on these pipes.

Its no longer a matter of “if”, it will definitely be done. I’ve put out an “apb” to get a local car in for a few hours of mock up time. After that, production will begin. The 90-93 Integra is just hard to come by around here.

Great news.
I was able to line up a 90 to be here tomorrow to be left for fitment.

sweet now when it comes to where the pipes will be run on the driver side are you going to go throw the the little whole where the wiper fluid bottle was or cut a hole in the lower part by the wall

Is it safe to assume 2" hot side and 2.5" cold side?

I’ve done them both ways. The cutting the hole in the lower frame rail was has been the more “practical” choice only because it will work with all manifold configurations as long as the compressor housing is facing down.

I will jig both ways. For the hotside to pass thru the hole behind the drivers side headlight you will need to remove whatever is in that area and also have the compressor housing facing up on the drivers side.

Ominous G2- For the lower frame rail cut (kit A) I can set it up however you want…
3.0"/2.5" SFWD

To route it thru the hole behind the headlight (kit B) it will more than likely have to be 2.5"/2.0"

I’ll also do a relocated battery upper coldside piece as well.

[QUOTE=N FUL FX;2006657]That’s odd. I never received a reply from you on my G2IC account. (I did receive one on my hotmail, which is my personal account). Anyway I’m all for getting more products for G2’s. Feel free to go for it.[/QUOTE]sorry, i just hit reply when i responded to your return email. :dozing:

[QUOTE=GO-AUTOWORKS;2007161]I’ll also do a relocated battery upper coldside piece as well.[/QUOTE]that would be tits. :slight_smile:

The mockup vehicle is here. Pics are on the way.

yesss! i am sure this is going to be sick. “go-autoworks” makes so really wicked parts.

GO-AUTOWORKS 90-93 Integra Charge Pipe Kit

Test Car:

I kept the upper charge pipe “low profile” for hood clearance near the front end.

After checking the front end for clearance, I taped off the unneeded space that needs to be trimmed out. routing the charge piping around it would really push it to far outward and kill bumper clearance. Removing this will let the piping tuck closer to the frame.

Passenger side

Drivers side

Upper pipe alone (BOV flange of choice can be added)

Complete Kit A (hotside passes thru the frame rail)

Complete Kit B (hotside goes thru the hole behind the headlight, compressor housing facing up on the drivers side)

Like all of our kits, each kit is bead rolled, tig welded, and comes with BOV flange choice. Multi ply couplers and stainless T clamps are also included in each kit.

Just wanna know how much will these kits run?

I’m waiting for a response back from the mods before I post a price in the forums.

In for pricing, I need one.
Bead rolled piping?

pics of hole made on hot side?

G2 Racer- Yes, every aluminum pipe that leaves this shop gets bead rolled.

TeggeT-It just calls for a 2.75-3.0" hole in the lower frame rail. If you look at the frame rail there is an indention there right before he crank pulley, above the stock crossmember. You just put the hole there or to the let (towards the front) of there.The bend still allows for enough space to clear the stock horn. Once you trim the needed piece outlined in green tape, the hole placement is pretty self explanitory.