hello guys this is my DA lotsof workin being done

thanks ,yeah i’m going to go with a high flow cat into 2 1/2 pipe (no resinator into magana flow muffler and an ovel tip .pretty much stock looking look .we shall see lol

thanks bud :slight_smile:

thanks bud yeah i 'm in the sticks haha

oh i get what you mean now .liket he way they flow together ? these ones look better thent he hood ,but i had some tape let go on me ,you can see it on the flame .oh well lol .yeah i have silver pic stripeing ,but it sucks and i dont like how it sits .so maybe i’ll try and pin striped with paint .looks hard though haha exhaust will be gone …need more funds for it though ,soon i’ll weld something fresh up :rockon:

it wasnt that hard to gett he outside right .once i knew what i was doing .I had to reshape the 1/4’s a bit to square it to the rsx lights ,the hard part is the inside ,since the rsx lights are very curvy and not flat anywhere I cant be sure they wont leak .i dont think they will but can’t be for sure we shall see .

lol thanks ,yeah i change my mind all the time ,but shit still gets done :slight_smile: i allways make up my mind sooner or later haha
hope to have it buttoned up for end of april …should be able too (i have other cars here to work on as well)

lol :werd: :rockon:

so wetsanding is done ,polish it up tomorow :slight_smile:


got some of the jamb trim installed ,having troubles finding my screws and stuff lol i had them in baggies in a box ,but can’t find the box haha

i’ll find it lol

fucken love the work!!

hey ever thought about the altezza antenna on the roof??(it removes the water sprayer for the rear window)

stop the striptease of the car- i want to see the whole thing. lol

i went to shave that thing and then like well what if i need to squirt some water on the window (live in the country) so i didnt …should ahve eh …oh well

what is this antenna thing ? does it look goofy ? have a pic or sumpin ?

crazy seaman

lol soon very soon i think i have 3 cars on the go right now and i’m jumping back and forth so i havent be able to put much time into the teggy

looking good as always man

wow…that is all i have to say about that… mad props to the mad scientist… keep it up man!

thanks guys ,teggy is still at a stand still .sucks but i’ll get back at her soon ,2 many cars here right now and i just got my next priject .EF sedan hehehe going really crazy once i get a chance haha i’ll kepp you guys posted on that one as well …

the teggy now has a new owner .gave her away yesterday .yes thats right gave it away ,i was going to give it to my mom ,and she was more then willing to take it and rock it once all back together but she suggested i give it to my sister ,soooo thats what i did ,she was very happy and this will be her first car so i hope she goes all out on it .She is allready talking about doing some things haha

well updates when i got some lol

thanks for looking guys

later :rockon:

Wow, what a nice guy! Hope she takes care of it!

im ready for more pics of it…i wasnt satisfied with just those 4 pics…i want more , more, more

all angles…u mut alot of time into it…show it off

…soooo when is the second season of Phat Boy Kustoms begin??

it feels like a show, so far we have seen 1st season.

im waiting also for your updates, or of other cars you’ve done recently


yeah i’m a nice brother :stuck_out_tongue: i’m sure she will


haha soon i’m busy with some other shit right now rusty hondas need me lol

i’ll give you a few pics of some shit ive been doing though

last week or something we got hit with a blizzard out of nowhere and got over a foot of snow

my snow blower

pic of my fleet ,well the EF hatch isnt mine and i have to do that one and have been working on it (lots of work there (tailight conversion ) and sexy paint

my new project (going nuts on this one boosted Z6 and something else as well haha)and a tailight conversion as well i think ,we shall see WRX maybe
its pretty beat though ,needs a bit of work ,but its bondo free so i know whats ahead of me unlike the teggy

there is more rust then that ,but you get the idea haha

lol my shit is all over the place right now but here is some pics of what ive been doing


bubble rust = BAD lol this is what you get when you grind and bondo

i need to take a finished pic of this one too (ive blocked it and cleaned up the lines since )

fist pass with the sandblaster it took 3 to get it all nice nice

gotta take finished pics of that one

and here is more rust near the fuel door ,looks not bad eh haha ,well it took me forever to do this one ,the rust was nasty

ummm i guess i didnt take a patched and welded up pic of this one ,so here is a done pic ,all i have to do is ajust the fuel door

this delsol will be done tomorow ,not painting ,just rust repair and prep …

ummm i allso started another trailor project ,so i can move easier and not have to get a crap tastic Uhaul truck haha ,the trailor is being made out of a 93 dodge shadow axle ,engle iron and will be 4x8 soild axle by the way …

yeah i got alot on my plate right now haha

wow my jaw literally dropped at how rusty that del slo was!!! you doing another DA or does that belong to someone else?

edit: nvm I just noticed the flames on it :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you make the patch panel for the Del Sol door jamb, or cut it out of a donor? Looks good. :up:

haha yeah it was alot worse then it looked .but ive got it pretty much beat now ,had a few issues ,but worked them out :rockon:

i am planning on getting another integra ,but i’m leaning towards a 4 door this time ,with less rust ,so i can just fix it up while driving it

yes i made the patch panel .(took alot of time ) i made it out of 4 peices , then i media blasted ,POR15’d then welded it in place .It lost its shape a bit though from all the welding it took to make it which you can see in the corners ,but it didnt really matter since the 1/4 has alot of bondo on it and i had to blend into it anyways .(wasnt in the deal to remove it all )

i got myself a new 17inch straight line sander and a few metal working dolly’s ,as well i ordered a stud welder to make dent pulling easier .

thanks for the kind words bud

back to the teggy soon …i hope

finally put the hatch on ,still have to ajust it and polish it up

see all outta whack haha

and yes the car is very dirty :nobody:

lol those lights look so huge on the DA!

nice pontiac:lol: