Iceman's All Motor Build Thread

You’re right, ignorance is everywhere.

Here’s my problem with you now. You are one of those who thinks that because he’s “old skool”, he’s right. Period. It’s guys like you that believe that you are truly iterating facts. Your email post is clearly assumption. I have half a mind to find two blown blocks and have the damn things tested.

You came in MY thread, and started running your mouth off with unnecessary comments from the start.

It’s just that I’ve known more LS-V projects go bad with spun bearings and other small failures then I can count. And I mean this from a long term use basis. I think it comes down to is that Kevin Nugyen, the first kid I actually knew of to make the head swap work did so because GSR blocks were a truly expensive proposition compared to now. We all knew that it wasn’t anything complicated to put together, but considering the price drop of P72 blocks I think I would spend the extra G’ for the piece of mind.
Maybe I’ve just been playing with these things too long…

You never clarified why you thought it was piece of mind until much later with that email. So I asked why in response to the post above. Here was your answer.

Yes, of course I’m referring to the squirters, but not specifically in my comment. Do all the research you want, but those squirters are key for any good LS-V build! I’m more referring to the fact that if you look at a Honda head and block you can see how the two are specifically designed to work together by disapating heat and flexing/dispersing vibrations under high/heavy loads. An LS-V will never benefit from that kind of original design so for about the last 5 years I’ve had the oppinion that regardless of what you do to a thorough LS-V build sometimes it’s just cheaper to invest in that block now rather then deal with the long term issues of two totally different designs trying to work together. My comments are based on the fact that you clearly are trying to build a project the right way, which is admirable, but sometimes our industry has pushed a bad premise off as a good long term solution to a problem which doesn’t really exist anymore; considering the pricing of B18C blocks today. Just something to think about from an old guy, thats all.


That email makes NO reference to oil squirters though you specifically stated those were a failure point but NEVER once have you demonstrated why. You do mention the block differences in passing. That I’ll give you. But that’s it just passing.

You are missing the big picture piece of my response…

I know that LS-Vs make great power, I know they are reliable and I know they can be built as well as anything that you can drop into a Honda chassis and that you shouldn’t have any problems with your build…but if I was you, and you clearly aren’t me, based on what I’ve seen, I’d invest a couple hundred bucks into a P72/P73 block because of the above email and experience I’ve seen over the last 17 years of building Hondas.”

Now you’re backpeddling. I shouldn’t have any problems with my build? Wait. Earlier on you stated that you have seen them have problems time and time again. The nature of your posts let me to believe you expect them all to, b/c the c1 block is superior. So which is it? You obviously think it’s going to fail or you wouldn’t have made the comment about being worried in the first place.

17 years is great. I’m 28. I’ve been doing this for 12, 10 of them with Hondas. You have a few years on me fine. Doesn’t automatically make you right, but since you seem to think age brings the knowledge ppl should listen to, open your ears. Larry at Endyn has been doing it longer than both of us.

“We ONLY install squirters in applications where the engine is going to be run at full throttle for very prolonged periods, such as road racing on tracks with long straight sections.
We have LS/VTEC’s and B20VTEC’s without them that have been running since before the year 2000 and they have NO issues. Most LSVTEC’s are doomed due to the engine assembly practices of their owners, ie. the use of aftermarket bearings, poor bearing clearance fitment, improper piston to wall clearance/ring end gap, paying no attention to piston to valve clearances, use of old (used oil pumps, etc, etc.)”

The year 2000. That’s almost 9 full years. Wonder why he hasn’t had any issues. Hmmmmm. Interesting. He’s not the only one either. There are members on nearly every board on the net dedicated to Hondas with ls/vtec builds that have NOT suffered from the same issues you have. If he had I’m sure he would have said something to me.

I’m not afraid of saying anything right to your face if necessary smartass, you can get all nuthurt and pissed off all you want. It won’t deter me from contesting your information. Period. God forbid the allmighty J be contested. He keeps saying he’s old so he must always be right right? I mean there is NO WAY that he could be wrong. Oh and the “contact” you got that email from? He can’t be speculating can he? No he wouldn’t do that. Can’t imagine that.

Bottom line, I think you’re so old skool your brain is locked into thinking based on information you’ve received over a decade ago. Apparently the strides made, the successes since then mean nothing to you. I know why you posted, not to help, to flex whatever knowledge you have, regardless of how dated it is.

Guess what . . . I don’t buy it.

You’re not a liar . . . in my observation, you’re one of the masses who are misinformed. You’ve seen them fail, maybe the builders are to blame, not the block.

People SHOULD use this thread in the future. As an example. Do as much research as possible. Don’t believe everything just b/c someone is adament about it being truth. I’ll trust a mainstream shop with sucesses guiding me through a build than some know it all on a board with a complex.

I don’t believe you. Period. Happy? I don’t give a damn if you’re an old member on here and have done this that or the other. There are plenty of others who have succeeded where you failed. I’d rather listen to them.

I researched my ass off before jumping into this. I read every failed thread and every success thread I could find on here, honda tech, team integra, superhonda, etc. I talked to countless shops including Endyn, Hasport, Inlinefour, Revline Motors, and more. I spoke to every local ls/vtec owner i could getting information about builds, and their success or failure in it.

These young whippersnappers can and probably do have more knowledge than you do and that gets under your skin clearly.

So take your anger somewhere else. OR come back with some examples. More information is always good. But get this straight. Don’t expect ppl to listen to you just because you’re an old member on here. I’m bound to be contested as well. But if you open your mouth, be prepared to be called on it if someone doesn’t believe you. Don’t get your feelings hurt.


I’m done.

Just got this.

“Our largest customer is Honda Research and Development. They came to due to our engine building expertise, looking to source endurance racing engines, as well as engines for special projects.
We measure and fit components to a tolerance of 1 micron. Road race engines we build leak less than 1% after a season of competition, and the bearings look like they haven’t been around the block.
Fitting bearings may as long as 4-5 hours before I am satisfied. Building Honda engines correctly demands exacting machinework, exacting components, and exacting assembly methods.
At any rate, we have B20VTEC’s and LS VTEC’s that were built back in 2000 that are still running hard. There is absolutely no reason one of these engines shouldn’t have the same service life as any other Honda performance engine (ITR).
Every engine we build is unconditionally guaranteed…”

Again from Larry at Endyn. Take it for whatever you want.




The myths continue, yet there are many many many successful LS-V builds. An opinion is one thing, but to try and state an opinion as fact is a whole other ordeal.

So touchy. Take the advice and move on. Some people will tell you positively it will fail - jackasses. Some people will tell you what to prepare for - take the advice and don’t respond like a jackass. He started out nice and professional and questioned you, dare he, I don’t blame him for getting pissed off. And you’re book of a response was full of good points, but to be honest I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove. J. started out sincere, but you can only take so many immature responses.

read it again. he was sincere in his feeling about what he “knew” was going to happen. i’m not going to have advice rammed down my throat. if i think it’s wrong or have read something that contradicts it, i’m going to say something. this thread is beyond maturity already. so they way he said what he said makes it ok? i should listen b/c of how he said it, even if i think it’s wrong or misguided or whatever you wanna call it? please.

hell yes im touchy.

Hello there chaps. I hope you are all having a swell day.

The matter concerning the opinions of sir J. concerning the luck needed when building an LS-VTEC engine seem come from outside of the realm of reality.

Good day to you all, and cheers,


Better help your buddy out! Hehe :corn:

What is your point exactly?

It hasn’t failed, and neither has the LS-V that I built for a local either.

Like I have implied all along your dreams and attitude are much larger than your brain. Take a step back, do your thing, then tell us about it, that is all.

wow. that’s what you’re trying to say with that post? LMAO!

Even if his brain was HUGE, that would be a correct statement. ^

So lemme get this straight? You’re on rice’s back b/c a friend of ours is dissappointed in his build, an engine built and tuned by completely different people? that has nothing to do with what we’re discussing here.

I am at a loss for words here.

You obviously have no idea who is who in our little neck of the woods.

Please sit in your corner and shut the fuck up until such time as you can insult me properly or come up with facts instead of trying, disparately I might add, to dig up dirt.

I am one of those that will sit back and read, take in, and consider peoples thoughts when I can tell they know what the hell is going on. The difference it that some prefer to be bottle fed rather than sift through the garbage that is contained on many a message forum to figure out what is bullshit or not.

On here, it is rare that I find many though provoking topics, hence hwy I am never here.

There are many other Honda/Acura related sites, and I do not consider honda-tech to be one of them, that contain actual tech, ingenuity, and are generally devoid of king cock of the walk attitudes from those who claim to know all.

You will never find myself claiming to know it all, that is one thing I can promise you, but I can generally spot bullshit from a mile away when it come to automotive tech, not always, but in most cases.

Only a fool could believe that they have all the answers.

[QUOTE=ricecake;1996501]I am at a loss for words here.

You obviously have no idea who is who in our little neck of the woods.

Please sit in your corner and shut the fuck up until such time as you can insult me properly or come up with facts instead of trying, disparately I might add, to dig up dirt.

I am one of those that will sit back and read, take in, and consider peoples thoughts when I can tell they know what the hell is going on. The difference it that some prefer to be bottle fed rather than sift through the garbage that is contained on many a message forum to figure out what is bullshit or not.

On here, it is rare that I find many though provoking topics, hence hwy I am never here.

There are many other Honda/Acura related sites, and I do not consider honda-tech to be one of them, that contain actual tech, ingenuity, and are generally devoid of king cock of the walk attitudes from those who claim to know all.

You will never find myself claiming to know it all, that is one thing I can promise you, but I can generally spot bullshit from a mile away when it come to automotive tech, not always, but in most cases.

Only a fool could believe that they have all the answers.[/QUOTE]

You definitely have a “king cock of the walk” attitude, whatever the hell that means. I mean seriously, you flipped out on your first post. Grow up.

You got me.

I flipped out? Lol.

Sorry, next time I see someone say something that, IMO, is preposterous, then I will add a bit more sugar to keep it nice an sweet so that it remains palatable for you.

If you have no idea what king cock of the walk means, then how can you say that I exhibit such an attitude? That kind of defies logic, no?

Keep the rhythm going there butt buddy, your making my day!

you have yet to make a single intelligent comment thus far. :mensa:

I most certainly will not be your butt buddy.

BTW, you’re is what you were looking for there.


WOW. C’mon, man. You seem like the only one stirring up trouble in this thread with your attitude.

This thread can be completed once someone answers this:

It may be that I’m confused, but are you (DB2-R81) and Jason recommending that he use a B18C block because the block ITSELF is superior, or because it has 87.2mm stroke instead of 89mm, thus causing less engine vibration and potential for wear/failure?

Is it that, or are you saying that if he were to use a B18C block, even while using the B18A/B 89mm crankshaft and connecting rods, it would be more reliable than using a B18A/B block and modifying the oil delivery system?

Just trying to clarify.

We can do this all day - but let me re- clarify for everyone the intentions of the information and my post. And to those that emailed me while reading this post, NO, I’m not going to let this post get any further into the mud then it already is.

I see Ice trying to assemble what looks to be a better than average project, especially by G2IC build standards.

I started out by asking a simple question about his choice of blocks and the whole world turns upside down because I questioned the use of an LS block.

I then got grilled for even asking the question about an LS block until I get the best piece of factual information I, or anyone for that matter, could produce about the true differences of B-series blocks.

After sharing this OLD EMAIL which basically says that LS blocks were purposefully cast BY HONDA and that clearly Honda has a different composition for the two parts ICE makes the above post.

He then begins attacking me for my opinions and the ways in which I broached the entire subject as well as attacks me for my attitude in general including; which wasn’t one continuous linear line of thinking but rather my initial thoughts about using an LS block over something else.

I’ve owned an LS-V, it ran well for me, really well! Hell, it made linear power and a 183whp with a 146lbs of torque in 1998 without any real fuel tuning except for a Fields controller. The portion of my experience regarding this whole issue of the 6 motors I’ve built for my DA, it was the one motor I always had valve clearance issues with after every track day and it ran almost 14 degrees hotter (ambient temps being equal) then a base GSR motor I had in prior. And all this was with an external oil line and the added oil feed; which was a radical idea back then. Ice, if you want to bypass an additional squirter, fine dude, but additional lubrication for a tuner like me is a NO BRAINER just to clarify my earlier post!

As I can see how you felt I was shitting on your build that was not my intention. My intention was to simply question your choice considering the money you already had invested. You and your friends build cars for totally different purposes then people like me. I’m always looking for a weak link because of the continuous abuse I tend to put on an engine; like Brian(Viper) said.

If we could agree that the block composition adds ANY question to the reliability of a build, I wouldn’t even consider using it, BUT THAT’S ME!!!

Considering this, the second I contributed vibration and any or all complications associated with additional movement to my own LS-V build I almost scrapped it, but instead went through with it and was glad I did; until I found my next motor a few months later.

If I had made all of the above evident in my earlier postings, I’m sure we wouldn’t have elongated this thread to the point and name calling level it’s currently at. So I’ll take that responsibility and apologize to those who defended my opinions or who just simply tried to settle things down till I took the time to justify my feelings and experiences.

I think Larry is a pretty bright guy and I’m sure he builds a decent engine, but I believe you are throwing out my firsthand information from Honda simply because it didn’t agree with what you’re read second and third hand.

I don’t have any opinion about LS-Vs and some of my favorite cars of all time have used them. Brian’s DA is on my top 10 list and he makes great power with it…although his transmission is clearly the strength of his build.

I got upset about this entire thread when I simply tried to share my experience with someone who I thought might find it useful. Vtec blocks here are cheap and I don’t leave anything for debate with my builds.

If Ice wants to put my experience on the stand here, let’s do it. This could be fun, but originally I didn’t want to do anything other then to ask the question about what was considered and why during his planning.

Keep these posts from getting personnel and I’ll do what I can to help, but as soon as you jump to conclusions about what I think or how I force my oppinions on people you throw your own train (your thread) off the tracks.

So I’ll wish you guys luck and hope for the best, and at the same time appolagize for not being more concise with my experience and also say FUCK YOU for treating me and my first hand information with such little regard…


[QUOTE=ricecake;1996544]I most certainly will not be your butt buddy.

BTW, you’re is what you were looking for there.


Ahem, 2 points for me. You got that wrong, you are the one reading it and looking at it, I wrote it!