Intercooler needed?

Originally posted by notecLS
Is it s afe to run w/out a downpipe for like a week?

UH, NO:uhoh: :squint: :think:

.fu(kin dear god…you’re going to use a radiator as a intercooler? you need to get this ghetto ass sh|t outta this forum…

that’s why i said fill the tube only 3/4 of the way with water so that it won’t expand so much & build too much pressure.

if you run open downpipe, make sure that the exhaust isn’t pointing straight down to the ground. turbos generate sooo much exhaust gases that if you have it pointed to the ground it could actually produce enough thrust to lift your front-end off the ground just enough to cause loss of steering.

this is why we need a moderator just for the FI forum. Some one who KNOWS turbos. Haberdasher, qwkteg? Anyone? Neil wont make me one cause a lot of these g2ic people would bitch. I’ll talk to Neil and to get one of you guys mod status of this forum so we can just delete this crap before it gets out of hand.


Don, I’ve heard about that thrust problem! Can be a real bitch when you’re trying to pull into a parking space! :stuck_out_tongue:

Formz, shut up :up: And how much will you be selling yur ic for?

Dont diss on something because it isnt the norm. Will I harm my engine w/out a downpipe tho? I would think the backpressure from the turbo would prevent warping exhaust valves, is this true?

:uhoh: :think: :confused:

i don’t visit this forum that much anymore because of all the stupid posts here. i only respond to hard-hitting technical posts like this one. maybe dave would want mod status???

I dunno I’m gonna talk to neil. Maybe Dave will take the status. I’ll talk to him to.

And no you cant run without a downpipe! You’re going to have 1400° air coming out the backside of that turbo (if you ever get the thing to work.) Do you REALLY want 1400° air in your engine bay? I THINK NOT!

only real turbo experience i have with is gn’s so call me a morn if you will but i saw alot of turbo dumps under the hoods of those cars going through the fenderwell practically onto the frt right tire. sounds dangerous to me but its been done without incident for the past 10 yrs.

Originally posted by dattegbol
only real turbo experience i have with is gn’s so call me a morn if you will but i saw alot of turbo dumps under the hoods of those cars going through the fenderwell practically onto the frt right tire. sounds dangerous to me but its been done without incident for the past 10 yrs.

You morn :smiley:

i will sell my for 70 but only if you get a downpipe

iknow i’m a moron , also i’d like to add i in know way agree with what is being attempted here just adding a few cents, the key board works pretty well for having a coors light spilled in it, damn g-friends mom.

Originally posted by dattegbol
only real turbo experience i have with is gn’s so call me a morn if you will but i saw alot of turbo dumps under the hoods of those cars going through the fenderwell practically onto the frt right tire. sounds dangerous to me but its been done without incident for the past 10 yrs.

sounds acceptable to me…as long as it’s not venting inside the engine bay

Originally posted by Gibson
i will sell my for 70 but only if you get a downpipe

Your what?


If you use a radiator as an intercooler you will get massive pressure drop and it wont cool that well. Somebody suggests that you can only run 3psi on stock compression?? An LS has a compression ratio of 9.2:1, about the same as most aftermarket turbo pistons… As long as the air/fuel is ok, I’d bet you could run 7psi on stock pistons no problems.

Originally posted by mos
If you use a radiator as an intercooler you will get massive pressure drop and it wont cool that well. Somebody suggests that you can only run 3psi on stock compression?? An LS has a compression ratio of 9.2:1, about the same as most aftermarket turbo pistons… As long as the air/fuel is ok, I’d bet you could run 7psi on stock pistons no problems.

he means non intercooled. how many pounds of boost on a non intercooled setup… thats why i said 3

considering most people say 7 is the max WITH an intercooler… how are you going to compensate for the 300° inlet temps?