Intercooler needed?

Bring me these “people.”

Originally posted by Formz TSi
considering most people say 7 is the max WITH an intercooler… how are you going to compensate for the 300° inlet temps?

just so you know, temps will be in low 200’s, no where near 300 @ 7psi…

talk to anyone running around with a turbo g2 on this board. 7psi is a little low actually. Most “people” agree 9 is about the max on pump gas.

And notecLS, do you have proof that the intake temps will be a tick over 200?

From 3psi to 9psi in two posts… quite a turn around.

hey smart guy. I’m going from 7 to 9 not 3 to 9. I STILL think 3psi max non intercooled with pump gas on 9.2:1 compression.:roll:

Originally posted by Formz TSi
stock compression? uh… 3psi

Re: Intercooler needed?

Originally posted by notecLS
Whats the max amount of boost I can run w/out an intercooler?

mos: How do you survive on a message board without READING. Christ I hate wasting my time proving people who blatently ignore posts and then think they’re right.

Re: Re: Intercooler needed?

Originally posted by Formz TSi
Christ I hate wasting my time proving people who blatently ignore posts and then think they’re right.

Sounds like someone I know :roll:

notecLS let me break this down for you:

•you’re using an NA header for a turbo manifold
•you want to use an inline oil pump because the turbo is too low to drain into the pain
•you think metal shavings in your motor isnt bad
•you’re using a radiator as an intercooler

When, have you EVER, proved ANYONE wrong? hahahaha

Originally posted by Formz TSi
[B]notecLS let me break this down for you:

•you’re using an NA header for a turbo manifold
•you want to use an inline oil pump because the turbo is too low to drain into the pain
•you think metal shavings in your motor isnt bad
•you’re using a radiator as an intercooler

When, have you EVER, proved ANYONE wrong? hahahaha [/B]

I never said I was going to use my old radiator as an intercooler, I said I was thinking about it. I’m going to make my own intercooler out of copper pipes later but thats not the point :stuck_out_tongue:

I never said metal shavign WASNT bad, I wanted to know why it was bad :crazy:

And for the last time, my header is not a N/A header, it was made for a supercharger or NITROUS which is not N/A!

Originally posted by notecLS
I never said I was going to use my old radiator as an intercooler, I said I was thinking about it. I’m going to make my own intercooler out of copper pipes later but thats not the point :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by notecLS
I think I will try to hack a radiator

Originally posted by notecLS
And for the last time, my header is not a N/A header, it was made for a supercharger or NITROUS which is not N/A!

that doesnt make it good for a turbo. you know this.

so again… when have you ever proved me wrong? you got banned from honda-tech for being an idiot, you’re lucky you’re not banned from here too.

You think someone maxed out at 3psi can jump to 9psi just by adding an intercooler?? Man, thats one intercooler I’d like to have.

You can run 7psi without an intercooler Mister angry. And quit picking on the idiot. It’s not his fault he’s so stoopid.

any good front mount will lower inlet temps by atleast 100° depending on fuel setups, turbo selection, and compression…

Formz TSi-Bro your knowledgable on the things you say, so why waste your time trying to get someone there no has no knowledge of forced induction.:think: notecLS has to understand the principals behind forced induction in order to have a real mutual conversation. I don’t want to through any more advice out there to him because I don’t want to encourage doing things without knowledge. Just to prove my point further. he wants an external oil pump because the turbo is too low. Our oil pans are only 5 inches deep. and if the turbo sits lower then the pan what happens if you hit a good bump on the road (you know we have all hit a pot hole). The exhaust will be lower then the turbo so your clearance under the car is next to nothing. This whole turbo venture notecLS is on is a time bomb waiting to go BOOM. notecLS needs to reserach more, post less, use the search option more and further his knowledge on this. Because once the kit is complete you have only begun the setup. Now try tuning this abortion. I think everyone gets my drift so I will leave things on that note. Peace and flowers guys.:smiley:

I guess I keep responding because I really want this forum to thrive. The whole point of this FI section on G2IC is to provide USEFUL information to the people who actually want to learn. And it kills me when people like this come here and ruin the usefulness. Ack… I guess that’s why me and Dave (Haberdasher) are working to turn this forum around. Hopefully in the next week or so things will be much different, and these types of threads will never come up, or if they do, last for only a few minutes before they go in the trash.

You can run non-intercooled at more than 7psi. This LS idiot can get an external pump to work, but it defeats the whole purpose of using a non-turbo manifold. The whole point was to save the money required to buy a turbo manifold ( 200-300$ ). Now he has to buy an electric pump which costs around that much. Total waste of time, and its going to end up costing more. Did I mention that you can run non-intercooled at more than 7psi?

simple statement… prove it.

pump gas, stock compression, more the 7psi non intercooled. prove me wrong. cause i’m calling your bluff. If you can prove me wrong more power to you, if you can’t, well then you’re SOL. (no methanol!)

Originally posted by MIKE
Formz TSi-Bro your knowledgable on the things you say, so why waste your time trying to get someone there no has no knowledge of forced induction.:think: notecLS has to understand the principals behind forced induction in order to have a real mutual conversation. I don’t want to through any more advice out there to him because I don’t want to encourage doing things without knowledge. Just to prove my point further. he wants an external oil pump because the turbo is too low. Our oil pans are only 5 inches deep. and if the turbo sits lower then the pan what happens if you hit a good bump on the road (you know we have all hit a pot hole). The exhaust will be lower then the turbo so your clearance under the car is next to nothing. This whole turbo venture notecLS is on is a time bomb waiting to go BOOM. notecLS needs to reserach more, post less, use the search option more and further his knowledge on this. Because once the kit is complete you have only begun the setup. Now try tuning this abortion. I think everyone gets my drift so I will leave things on that note. Peace and flowers guys.:smiley:

I kno more than u think I kno. I only wanted to kno why things are the way they are. If I can do sosmethign different, I will try to if its cheaper. I dont give a sh if u dont post. Less posts of your nature would make this forum better.

And formz, I wasnt banned from ht because of my questions. i got banned because I expressed my views of 9/11 and the mods didnt like it.

notecLS you don’t know ANYTHING. If you DID know anything you wouldnt ask

if you needed an intercooler…
why metal shavings were bad (COMMON SENSE)…
if you didnt have to run the oil line to the turbo…
you wouldnt be using a header for a turbo manifold…
you wouldnt ask about getting oil to your pan because your manifold is too low…

You wouldnt even be DOING THIS if you knew ANYTHING about turbos. Face it kid, you don’t know what you’re doing. Mike has more turbo knowledge in the tip of his index finger then you do in your whole body. FACE IT, YOU JUST DON’T GET IT. Mike built his own turbo teg from scratch, SCRATCH, USING THE PROPER PARTS. He also built himself a 10 second grand national. WTF HAVE YOU DONE BESIDES WHO HOW STUPID YOU ARE ON A PUBLIC FORUM? SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!

on on on and more on

two more on’s.