Photo Thread V

Haha Chris. That is my best bud Craig. We purposely had him wear those glasses with the gun.

hehehe sorry i had to say it.

kind of odd but i was going to take the same style pic but with a shotgun. i just couldnt find anyone that trusted me to not have it loaded. :getsome:

who said anything about it not being loaded. It adds a little intensity. Try it!


Who will shoot first…

click “I win”

BANG “No you don’t”

just took this one, going to go out and take more this afternoon.

a few more

damn… i gotta get out n’ start shooting… here’s one… but it’s of the puppy… so it doesn’t really count as “photography”…

thats a cool fuckin dog. What breed? Pedigree? Awesome!

I’m guessing boxer.


In front of my apartment.



Looks like a Puggle to me.

^ding ding… puggle it is…




:up: Yard House, the ligthing on the flowers is cool.

Thats a Puggle!!!

Edit: (Note to self, read whole page before posting)
J. :bowthank:

Wow alot of these pictures came out lookin good. Good job guys and keep them coming.

Went for a little walk on the beach…

Yea… i’m puppy crazy… so fucking what?.. :giggle:

I want a puggle now :frowning:

So are just showing pictures we took? haha

old high school historian pics.

you get bored when the power’s out.

Rebel XT with the kit lens. No money to buy better lenses. :frowning: I would like a zoom and a macro lens. Havent had the chance to really take more, but i just brought mine to school so maybe.

These below were taken with the old school Canon A-1. One of the best pro-sumer SLR’s ever made IMO. all taken with the 50mm f1.8 lens. These pictures are scans of photos from film developed and printed by yours truly. I love high school photo class.

yes i am a picture whore!:rofl: :excite:

the light ones are fun…i’ll have to post some up when i get home.

yeah hahah i had a black out and i had nothing to do so first thing that came to mind was taking long-exposure pictures. :rofl:

sorry for the random pic sizes…i hate photobucket’s inconsistent compression.