Photo Thread V

Nice pics guys. That puggle is too freakin’ cute.

I haven’t taken the camera out enough lately. Here’s a couple family pics from the park and golf.

…Specially when your friend tells you to bring him over, and then he pees on his rug… :rofl:

holy crap your kids are getting big james.

ive been on this site too damn long cause i swear i remember when you had both of your kids.

Yep, we’ve been here longer than they’ve been alive. :shock:

just some stuff i made in adobe illustrator.

This one is an illustration of a photograph. There are over 600 layers of color in this. It took me about a week.

original photo:

Took me 16 seconds

what’d you do live trace it? or use a filter in photoshop? i still like my way better :slight_smile:

Haha Schu.

I could another knd of painting but wont… poor girls look innocent enough

hey whitehot, how do you trace the pictures like that in illustrator? I have Illustrator CS3 for Mac, but i have no idea how to use it but i’ve seen those vector/cartoony drawings and i’ve always wanted to “draw” my 'teg.

like the one in this video at the beginning and end.

it looks sooo good!

This boy LOVES his Guinness!

holy thread jack… Beer and Dogs!!!

Danenhower bridge

the block

This one has great composition, I dont know if was accidental or purposeful… but it’s really nice

Turn the time stamp off!

those hummingbird pictures are amazing. What’s the shutter speed on that? 1/2000?

1/1000 or 1/1250 I think. Shot at f/2.8, ISO 100.

I have a few more from that day, I got these with the bird sitting there but there’s some of it hovering where 1/1000 still shows blurred wings.

That’s not a hummingbird… it’s a remotely controlled/autonomous atomiton, complete with Sidewinder/phalanx defensive systems and HARM capabilities

:werd: I’m planning on adding JDAM capability to make it an F/A Hummingbird.