You should see if he wants to sell them…
ive been trying to find out how to get ahold of him
haha, picture request granted. looks stellar man, cant wait for night pics:up:
2yrs and still goin
RollinmyDA and 1SickG2 - can I get front shots of your DA’s with both headlights in view… thanks.
You guys are slowly changing my mind on retrofitting ebay lights instead of 1pcs…
Here you go for now. I haven’t really had much of a chance to take pictures. I had to slap them on so I could get to work today.
Damn I didn’t realize how washed out this picture was
This ones all right
Here’s one in the cutoff…
Thanks for the pics ^^ man those are nice! Should I ditch the 1pcs and go with ebays??? Hmmm…
Ebays will be much easier but the JDM one pieces look better. I’m noticing with my retro that the headlight housings bounce up and down slightly when I go over bumps. The projectors are solid in the housings, but the entire housings are bouncing. I think its definately because the ebay lights don’t have a bottom bracket like the JDM lights do. They just have the top three attatchment points. I plan to make a bracket for mine on the bottom of the ebay lights to stop the bouncing. Its not that bad but it does kind of bug me. I’d say whichever housings you go for, you won’t be dissapointed when you’re finished.
Here’s another good front shot for you too…
those are looking realy good, but lets see a picture of the cutoff against a wall or something:sipread:
Look a few posts up… 1SickG2 posted some pics of his retrofitted cutoffs…
Those ones are sickg2’s, I want to see pics of rollinmyda’s
I only have a couple. I’ve been too busy to go out and take pictures but I snapped these after I aimed them. My rotation is off a little bit, part of that is the ground I was parked on. They still need some tweaks but overall its a huge difference in output over stock lights and the original ebays with halogen bulbs.
^^ Looks awesome! Waaaaay way better than stock…
Yeah, I love driving at night now. Nobody has flashed me with their high beams yet either. With the poorly aimed halogen lights I got flashed almost every night, so I guess its an improvement for everybody else on the road too. I could never go back to halogens, ever. :cloud9:
just finished it today…i know i got fluted lenses, but im loving the stock look, and output is 100x better compared to a regular PnP!!!
here’s all the parts i used minus the shroud…ended up not using it at all.
output pictures will be up soon!!!
Are those the clear lense version of the TSX’s? Did you get your parts from the retrofit source? It looks good, but I would have sanded the fluting off the headlight lense before putting them back together to keep the cutoff line sharp. That’s what I’ll be doing for my next retro. I’m absolutely addicted to retrofitting now, so the first set of lights isn’t going to be good enough… I’ll be using JDM onepieces, and an all oem setup from a 2010 RX350. These projectors are the shit! Check them out…
Low beam in stock form. They look colormodded already and have a faint squirrel finder, which I love!
High beam
yeah…i got the clear projector lens from i wasn’t planing on sanding down the fluted lenses at all. it doesn’t flow with the headlights or look nice in the DAs in my opinion. i know i lost the sweet cut-off but im ok with that. i have good out-put without distracting on-coming traffic, that’s all i wanted. this is my 5th retro-fit now, 2nd on my own personal car so im not too addicted to the cut-off as much i use to be.
dang it…i just realized that my left lower foglight is dimmer than the right. i think the bulb is not sitting in the housing correctly…oh welps, those things are there for show only.
output pictures coming soon as it gets dark.
I think those came out great, im also undecided on the headlight flutes.
good link btw