To All The K-Series Nut Huggers...

prime example: G2IC - Generation 2 Integra Club - Get help, show off mods, attend meetings, buy/sell parts, all for 1990-1993 Acura Integras

guy made 197 hp with 145.5 tq with skunk2 stage 1 tunner cams and skunk2 cam gears and 270cc injectors. I made much more horsepower, and torque with better gearing with less modifications.

someone pray for me,that all i know.what u teaching english class…:lol:

samb–makin 400-500hp is useless??wtf so 9-10 sec 1/4 mile run is usless??u need to walkit out with that crap:lol:

it’d be useless to me. i dont like cars that only drive in a straight line. i’d rather have less power and be able to drive the car more.

with that much hp it can be made to run laps and go straightline.i agree everyone has their own opinions.if i’am gonna races.i gotta have more juices.

don’t walk RUN to an esl class stat.

thats not true. I doubt you’ve ever driven a car with that power, or ever driven on a road race course. when u exit a turn in a fwd car with 400whp u will immediately spin your tires and probably crash. there is such a thing as “too much power” for most applications.

B-Series All Day!!!:mad:

b20VTEC > k20,b16,b18,h22,k24,b17,b18c

:whisper: umm, with 400-500hp, you should be able to drift in a circle…

…until reverse goes.

You are still an idiot.

d15 FTMFW!!!

havent ventured into the k series motors. Seems like a whole lot of work and money!



No. Well I should say not directly. Based on the way you speak I’m sure my tax dollars would partially fund your education, if I lived in CA.


Please learn proper grammar. Please use better English. PLEASE, and I mean PLEASE, understand that in an “engine vs engine” standpoint, that a B-Series motor will never EVER hold a candle to a K-series.

The K is FAR more advanced. Both internally, and electronically.

When it comes to putting a K in a DA, I don’t really see the need to do it, other than for show purposes. When, for the same price, you can do a B18C swap and build it up a bit and run just as well. On top of that, save for some wiring modifications, the ITR swap will essentially just drop right in.

I have nothing but respect for Brian Cain’s ability to make gorgeous hondas, no comment on his driving skill as I haven’t seen any of it personally. But his skills at shaving bays are top-notch. His B20/VTEC green hatch was a thing of beauty.

For the record, drag racing sucks.

these are the words i live by:

“Straights are for fast cars, corners are for fast drivers”

which translates to:

“Straights are for V8 muscle-heads who haven’t figured out what that round thing in front of them does, and corners are for those who know how to use a car to its full potential.”

just so you know, his shock towers on the DA and on the EG have practically crumbled. he would never post a picture like that on the internet though! his dick would get smaller. But he has openly admitted to his shit busting up. he’s boosting that hatchback this summer, btw.

damn, that has to eat ass. :frowning: