turbo with a/c

hit us up when you’re ready for some spoolin goodness !!!

out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried moving the a/c lines or rerouting them?

yeh mine have been i run a aftermarket universal condenser and cut the lines and rewelded them to fit according

thanks a-man. What kind of manifold are you using?

dont laugh :stuck_out_tongue: ebay ramhorn that has been modified to flip turbo around and strengthened. we flipped the turbo so the exhaust is near the a/c compressor and the pod filter is on the rhs of the car

a-man, do you have any pictures of your set up? I’m interested in seeing your condensor and ac line set up.

yeh ill find them


thats it on there its my build
and on page 2 its got the condenser and u can JUST see the lines

Thanks. Does the smaller size condensor affect A/C performance? How about the the lines? What size/strength are they rated for? Sorry for the questions, just trying to get some ideas…:smiley:

atm because its aust. its bs hot and i need a bigger rad so i havent even gased the a/c up but its ment to run like stock… the condenser is about 2 inch shorter and its slightly taller then oem… my mate who i got it from rekons it should make any difference because

a) i had 15 grams in the a/c before it was off the rd
b) its more efficent then oem one apparently