u dont need to strip it to bare metal… u just need to ruff it up with a wire wheel or sand it a bit i used a wire wheel and a sander u must then insure it is CLEAN before applying the por15. im gonna get to doing my DB2 soon the floor needs it we did my buddys DA a few months back and it worked amazing cant eeven scratch it off with a key. and the floor does not even move when u stand on it anymore. it used to flex under weight.
Sorry no pics, too tired at the moment. But i did remove the blower today and pulled the passenger side harness in. Just gotta mount the fusebox and reroute everything.
So i do beleive im going to try to take the steering column/bracing/air vents out tomorrow. I need to get to where the harness comes in through the firewall, and also dont feel like squeezing up there to take the booster out. Theres some wiring id also like to check out, so i figure itd be best to remove the sterring column etc.
Also have a pretty solid vision of finished product, decided on a color… Aberdeen/Amazon green, a bit of gold metal flake, Red Recaros w/matcing rear seat, all my carbon goodies and 16" Work XSA’s in either White or Work Black Chrome.
ive been trying to get ahold of you man, did you get that stuff figgured out?
Shoot me a call tomarrow if not and ill try help you out:up:
Yea Glynn, I got your message. Sorry man, I hit another wacky week and got crazy busy. I’m pickng up loom and tape tomorrow to do the passenger side harness, not sure how I wanna approach the drivers side. I really want to pull the column and air vents to do it, and make it easier to get the booster out, but everytime I look at it it looks alot more involved than I think.
Trying to get a heater duct and wiper motor plug with some extra wire, and looking for more info on seam welding the bay, or something to get rid of the gross seam sealer. I’ll try to give you a call asap, but I’ll probably forget.
bump this up, being on page 11 is unexceptable:D
Thanks bro. Going sometime his week to get a quote on bodywork and paint, thinking I’m gonna go with Nighthawk Black Pearl. Got some Function7 Rear LCA’s recently. I’ll throw up pics later for the hell of it.
Sweet. NHBP should look really nice.
Yea funny thing is that black was my last choice in a list of dark grays, Aviator Gray, white, or some earthy green color like Aberdeen green. I picked up Need for Speed:Shift and used the Silvia with red seats to test colors on. All of the colors looked great but black looked the best. Picking a color has to be the hardest thing involving this rebuild so far. And I’m still not sure my mind is made up.
Needless to say I’m open to suggestions lol.
Bringin tis back up… ive been kind of busy, but i received a few things in the mail recently.
Brought the Legend calipers in from the garage today so i can disassemble them and clean them up so i can paint them with VHT Wrinkle Plus red and install speedbleeders. Still trying to decide on pads, was looking at AEM/Nissin, Hawk HP Plus, and a few others. Will be using either ATE Super Blue or Type-200 which is amber in color, and ill alternate back and forth with fluid changes. Getting the rotors drilled asap, and i need to get the rest of the tools, hardware, and parts from Honda to disassemble the knuckle and hub. Then its a matter of finishing up the rear with new trailing arms, RSX-S/EP3 brakes and i can put her on wheels so she can get towed to the body shop.
Still got a long way to go, but were gettin there.
BTW, i need to pull the drivers side engine bay harness inside to do a tuck. It looks like ill need to pull the steering column and maybe the plastic ducting. It would also make removing and replacing the booster easier. Can anyone shed some light on how to approach this?
you dont need to fully remove the colum to get the booster out just drop it down from its mount. and set it on the floor.
Ill make sure to keep an eye out for that heater ducting and if come across one, ill hit you up asap:up:
What exactly do you mean “fully” removing it? Theres no rack on the car so unbolting it would fully remove it correct? It looks like its just 2 flange nuts on the U-shaped column holder and 2 flange nuts and 2 flange bolts holding the column on.
well i guess if thats the case then yes you might as well just pull the whole thing out:D
With the brake pads why dont you just run some EBC red stuff, they are good for dailey and track abuse. and not too pricey in my opinion
I think I’m going to have to close my thread, you already have most of the stuff I was going to get.
Haha, really? I try to get only top quality parts. I’ll have to check ur thread and chime in. Your detailing work is awesome, I was acutally gonna asK you for a list of products to get me started once I have the bodywork and paint finishd up.
Ordering paint for the calipers and speedbleeders from summit today, and I think I decided on a color fInally.
[QUOTE=white92LS531;2087262]Haha, really? I try to get only top quality parts. I’ll have to check ur thread and chime in. Your detailing work is awesome, I was acutally gonna asK you for a list of products to get me started once I have the bodywork and paint finishd up.
Ordering paint for the calipers and speedbleeders from summit today, and I think I decided on a color fInally.[/QUOTE]
well I would hope so if you ordered the paint already:)
No I meant I decided on a color for the car lol, the caliper paint was easy. The car color, not so much.
Bringin it up! Its that time of the year, to get started on this again.
Dropped the column today and removed the brake booster and the wipers/motor/cowl etc. While im waiting on suspension parts im gonna start working on shaving the bay and starting on the wire tuck then painting the bay up with POR-15.
By the way, im trying to figure out what on the firewall i need to put back so i can fill in the holes im not going to use. What on the firewall is absolutely necessary and what can i get rid of? I also have to come up with a new location to mount the brake prop valve that and the lines are the only thing im not going to relocate, just bend new lines so its a little less noticeable.
Also, what about those odd black rubber plugs around the shock towers? Can i just dig them out and weld the holes shut?
My plan is one of 2 things. If i can access a welder im going to go all out, even thinking of welding the seams and everything. If i cant access a welder ill just use Metal glaze to fill in the spot welds and clean the sealant up and not mess with anything that id have to weld and just leave the rubber plugs in place.
Damn you going all out. Wish I could help with the firewall stuff but haven’t even started on any of that yet. Still waiting to get the time just to do my manual swap. As close as I get is I have to drop the steering column to install the pedals. Hope someone has the answer for you! If you can ge the welder I definitely say your plans either way will look really nice once the bay is done!