Parts For Sale or Trade (by members in Canada and Sell / Trade Integra parts. Only topics with G2 items will be accepted. No businesses allowed. Transaction Warnings & Disputes Check here and the Trader Ratings before buying/selling to anyone. Try to resolve any problems here or give a heads up to other G2ICers on a bad transaction. G2IC does not keep personal user information. Parts For Sale or Trade (by members in USA) Sell / Trade Integra parts. Only topics with G2 items will be accepted. No businesses allowed. Parts Wanted [WTB] (by members in USA) Integra parts that you’d like to buy from other members. Only topics with G2 items will be accepted. No businesses allowed. New & Remanufactured Parts 3D Printed Parts - Current offerings and ideas or requests. Parts Wanted [WTB] (by members in Canada and regio Integra parts you’d like to buy from other members. Only topics with G2 items will be accepted. No businesses allowed. WHOLE Cars: G2 Integras ONLY For Sale / Wanted Looking to buy a G2 or selling yours? Post here. (Not an area-specific forum.) Please indicate where you’re selling from. Whole parts cars & shells (not parting out) should be here as well.